Mucho gracias Miguel.. Perhaps the T5 and T6 uses the same wiring, that has to be looked at. not sure the power to the hvac is under the seat tho.. there is a relay under there, i have tried to bypass it by jumping the pins, but nothin happend. Ill have a look and see this weekend
Hi Guys

I am in the process of upgrading the webasto aux heater of a friend of mine to a parking heater, the same i did with mine, to heat the water from the tank.

He has a "spanish" VW T6 California Beach 150HP CXHA (mine is a german Multivan T6).

This morning, we were going to install the receiver and then flash the Thermo top evo. Surprisingly .. there is no green-white cable in the 17 connector under the driver's seat.. here you have a couple of pics

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-02 at 6.09.04 PM.jpeg


I could give you the VIN number in private if necessary

Has anyone seen this before? Do you think the cable is there but in a different color?

The pin 1 in the male and female connector is definitely empty.

Mine has it

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-02 at 6.16.33 PM.jpeg

Thanks guys
Here you have master

;SW:7E0-963-273-A HW:7E0-963-273-A --- Calefacción aux.
;Componente:STH-T5GP2 003 0009, Codificación:4101
;Versión del VCDS: EST 19.6.2 Versión de Datos: 20191219 DS308.0
;VCID: 2B55B2AB4205391723-807F

IDE00470-Nivel de primer llenado de combustible,sí ,1
IDE06640-MAS01167-Bomba de combustible (bomba de preelevación)-Tiempo de activación,20 s,5
IDE06640-MAS05078-Bomba de combustible (bomba de preelevación)-Nivel mínimo de llenado del depósito,0 l,5
IDE06640-MAS05079-Bomba de combustible (bomba de preelevación)-Cantidad de reserva de combustible,200 ml,5
IDE06640-MAS05080-Bomba de combustible (bomba de preelevación)-Tiempo en parado máximo,0.0 H,5
IDE06640-MAS05689-Bomba de combustible (bomba de preelevación)-Retraso de activación,10 s,5
IDE06642-MAS05071-Válvula conm. p. líquido refrigerante-Diferencia de temperatura motor/calef. indep.,5 °C,4
IDE06642-MAS05072-Válvula conm. p. líquido refrigerante-Régimen máx. de motor,2500 /min,4
IDE06642-MAS05073-Válvula conm. p. líquido refrigerante-Calor residual: umbral,55 °C,4
IDE06642-MAS05074-Válvula conm. p. líquido refrigerante-Observar régimen de motor,No ,4
IDE06686-Umbral de baja tensión,11.3 V,1
IDE06687-Ajuste de CO2,177 ,1
IDE06688-Activación del func. calef. adicional,activ. ,1
IDE06689-Detección de subtensión: umbral de tiempo,20.0 s,1
IDE06690-MAS05059-Parámetros de regulación calef. adicional-Umbral inferior de temp. ambiental,5.0 °C,11
IDE06690-MAS05060-Parámetros de regulación calef. adicional-Umbral superior de temp. ambiental,12.0 °C,11
IDE06690-MAS05062-Parámetros de regulación calef. adicional-Umbral inferior de temp. líquido refr. a través de CAN,72 °C,11
IDE06690-MAS05063-Parámetros de regulación calef. adicional-Umbral superior de temp. líquido refr. a través de CAN,88 °C,11
IDE06690-MAS05064-Parámetros de regulación calef. adicional-Umbral inf. temp. para carga parcial tras plena carga,75 °C,11
IDE06690-MAS05065-Parámetros de regulación calef. adicional-Umbral inf. temp. para arranque desde pausa de regulación,76 °C,11
IDE06690-MAS05066-Parámetros de regulación calef. adicional-Umbral sup. temp. p. plena carga parcial tras carga parcial,80 °C,11
IDE06690-MAS05067-Parámetros de regulación calef. adicional-Umbral sup. temp. para pausa de regulación,86 °C,11
IDE06690-MAS05068-Parámetros de regulación calef. adicional-Umbral temp. para funcionam. regulación,78 °C,11
IDE06691-MAS05064-Parámetros de regulación calef. independiente-Umbral inf. temp. para carga parcial tras plena carga,60 °C,7
IDE06691-MAS05065-Parámetros de regulación calef. independiente-Umbral inf. temp. para arranque desde pausa de regulación,64 °C,7
IDE06691-MAS05066-Parámetros de regulación calef. independiente-Umbral sup. temp. p. plena carga parcial tras carga parcial,80 °C,7
IDE06691-MAS05067-Parámetros de regulación calef. independiente-Umbral sup. temp. para pausa de regulación,86 °C,7
IDE06691-MAS05068-Parámetros de regulación calef. independiente-Umbral temp. para funcionam. regulación,80 °C,7
IDE06691-MAS05069-Parámetros de regulación calef. independiente-Umbral de temperatura p. activación turbina aire ext.,45 °C,7
IDE06691-MAS05070-Parámetros de regulación calef. independiente-Comportamiento regulador,Sin graduación ,7
IDE06692-Tener en cuenta solicitud calef. adicional de aire acond.,No ignorar ,1
IDE06693-Valorar presión aire a través de CAN,sí ,1
IDE06694-MAS05076-Duración mínima de combustión-Hora,160 s,2
IDE06694-MAS05077-Duración mínima de combustión-Umbrales de temperatura offset,1 °C,2
IDE07160-MAS04357-Desconexión de UC: tiempo desconexión-Tiempo 1,140 min,2
IDE07160-MAS04358-Desconexión de UC: tiempo desconexión-Tiempo 2,20 min,2
IDE11873-MAS13407-Activación bomba ampliada-Temp. exterior valor límite inferior,15.0 °C,4
IDE11873-MAS13408-Activación bomba ampliada-Temp. exterior valor límite superior,17.0 °C,4
IDE11873-MAS13409-Activación bomba ampliada-Temp. motor valor límite inferior,35 °C,4
IDE11873-MAS13410-Activación bomba ampliada-Temp. motor valor límite superior,30 °C,4
MAS01488-Bomba de circulación,12750 /min,1
MAS05075-Valorar contenido de etanol,No ,1
MAS09096-Bomba de circulación bloqueo,1 ,1
ENG119729-activacion_of_simulated_flamme_run_for_emv_measuring,No ,1
ENG119721-development_data_on_CAN,inactivo ,1

it looks like pretty similar to mine

Tiempo transcurrido: 00:07
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Do you think the cable is there but in a different color?

The pin 1 in the male and female connector is definitely empty.
Indeed - per wiring diagrams not all T6s have the green/white wire present in T17p connector.
It looks like you need to go down directly to Webasto's 6-pin connector (T6au/pin 2).
Indeed - per wiring diagrams not all T6s have the green/white wire present in T17p connector.
It looks like you need to go down directly to Webasto's 6-pin connector (T6au/pin 2).

If i have understood correctly.. we will have to take the webasto out of its position and add a wire to the pin2 of A2-T6au?

Ahhggg i was hoping to do it plug and play as it was with mine.

Thank you mmi, as always
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Then I connected the ground to the dedicated earth point, and attached the w-bus wire to the red connector under the seat. From the red connector, the Webasto harness runs through the floor to the heater. Second problem, I expected the w-bus wire already to be included in the existing harness, but it was not so had to be routed. Some cars have this wire from factory, but not mine. However, the kit included this w-bus wire, with correct terminals. It just had to be routed through the floor to the heater. In order to get access to the feedthrough in the floor, the battery, handbrake lever and the seat console have to be removed. The feedthrough has a tight rubber seal where the w-bus wire will go together with the existing Webasto harness. So using some force I managed to route the wire through the rubber seal.
As I wrote in my story from Jan 9th (see above), I had to route the green-white wire from the 17-pin connector to the Webasto too. In the instructions I received from the shop, it says that the green-white wire does not exist on vehicles with air heater (Eberspächer), which many Californias has.
You don't have to take the Webasto fully out, but you have to remove the seating console to get access to the feedthrough hole (rubber seal). and go under the car. There remove covers, lower the AdBlue tank (if it's there), route the wire through the rubber seal. Then access the Webasto connectors, disconnect the 6-pin connector and add the wire to pin 2. Then put everything together again.
As I wrote in my story from Jan 9th (see above), I had to route the green-white wire from the 17-pin connector to the Webasto too. In the instructions I received from the shop, it says that the green-white wire does not exist on vehicles with air heater (Eberspächer), which many Californias has.
You don't have to take the Webasto fully out, but you have to remove the seating console to get access to the feedthrough hole (rubber seal). and go under the car. There remove covers, lower the AdBlue tank (if it's there), route the wire through the rubber seal. Then access the Webasto connectors, disconnect the 6-pin connector and add the wire to pin 2. Then put everything together again.
yes.. I am afraid that was the case with my van`s friend, he has a Eberspächer as an air heater so he didn't have the green wire. At the end, it was very easy as you say. We did just need to remove the covers and we could see the T2aux 6 pins connector.. so, from inside to outside, we routed the cable across the hole and put it in pin 2 and everything is working fine.

Also, I tried to extend the time of the webasto from 20 min to 30 min but unluckily i couldnt... the VCDS kept me asking to introduce the security access code despite i put 80782 and 20103 as shown in the image.

Does anybody know whether exist another code?


WhatsApp Image 2022-04-06 at 8.43.53 AM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-06 at 8.43.52 AM.jpeg
Hello lads, Summer is here and Webasto issues is long forgot'n, But beleave you me, When winter hits it hits you hard!!! Why Didn't I fix this in the summer time Ooodamei..
Anywhos.. I got VCP6 or something in the mail today. It can talk to the vehicle and all is wel.. Downloaded the flash files from this post. but now.. how in the banana do I use vcp6 to flash that darn thing? Is there a guilde or a write up somewhere?

I got VCP6 or something in the mail today. It can talk to the vehicle and all is wel.. Downloaded the flash files from this post. but now.. how in the banana do I use vcp6 to flash that darn thing? Is there a guilde or a write up somewhere?
Chapter 8 - ECU Flasher > in here >>

However, I would have expected T6 sold in Norway already has proper software? Don't you have the overhead control panel for Webasto?
Hey @mmi, The T6 i got got nothin extra at all.. wel.. Backup cam, reverse sensor. Forward collition thingy.. Thats it.
The webasto was not set up as parking heater, so no remote, no telestart and no overhead panel at all. a por mans Transporter it seems. It is my work van and the boss bought it for me. I too would expect to have telestart and timer on it, but noooooo.. and it is too expensive to retrofit it at the dealers.. wel.. The dealers here around me are clueless on what to do. They did try once, but they just came up with a excuse that they did not have a connection to some sort of server. As a Delaer i find that quite strange.
Atleast I got the dsg and 4 motion. its a 2litre engine. weak as a try leaf.. Nothin rly happens when i give it the onions.. just a kickdown lots of noice but nothin rly
VCP8 you say? hmm.. I got Vcp6 with dongle and the cable.. perhaps I can download the vcp8 and give it a try..
Addin the Auto-Scan here for you @mmi . I dont understand a thing of those codes, but sure is alot of fault codes for a vehicle that has not been in use for over 2 weeks


  • Log-STOLEN-WV1ZZZ7HZJH206850-91190km-56662mi.txt
    17 KB · Views: 13
Addin the Auto-Scan here for you @mmi . I dont understand a thing of those codes, but sure is alot of fault codes for a vehicle that has not been in use for over 2 weeks
Thanks. Seems to be a VCDS (not VCP).
Indeed, the Webasto has very strange software. I haven't seen that software installed anywhere else this far. Any history what has been done?
"Hardwarewise" the Webasto has been an auxiliary heater - just for keeping engine warm.
Anyways, it seems that someone has been playing also with other controller codings eek.gif- e.g. B9-Aux.Display >> 1K8919527D - Google Search

how in the banana do I use vcp6 to flash that darn thing?
VCDS is not capable of flashing control modules.
Yes,, that was with vcds i did the scan with.. I tried to use vcp to flash the 3 different files posted here to see if it did work, but sadly not.
Nothing hardware wise has been done other than adding a telestart module on the green/yello wire..
Playing is my middle name mmi.. I love to play with new toys. lol.. but I have not played around with the aux display.. or did i? hmm.. not sure.. What sould it be I wounder..
This had to happen when i played around with vcp i guess.. Seems like I have to figure out what I did and how to undo it.. lol
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A lot of those faults look like they will clear with a DTC reset

It does say that transport mode is active on the front radar ??
Hello @Pauly and thank you for chimin in. As long as the faults are intermittent, I'm not worried, I'm sure they will clear if i clear dtc's.
Transport mode.. Yes, I was dickin about with vcp and clicked on TR mode on and off.... so thats why that fault code was flaged. Will do a Global Clear Dtc today.

@mmi I tired flashing all of those files just to check what would work.. I have flashed the "7E0 963 272 C". Will flash it back with "7E0 963 272 B".
It is set up as Aux heating, Now the big question.. how do I get it to parking heating... mmmmmmm.. Will do more "playing" today and report back.
Seems like i have to connect TTV and see what that software is saying. Before i did anything with the vehicle, I could not command the webasto to run. Wel I could but it did not want to fire up.. it says Wait State last time i connected to the webasto.. Im hopin with a flash with this "7E0 963 272 B" file i can command the webasto to run..
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Now the big question.. how do I get it to parking heating... mmmmmmm..
Isn't it in below - "B"