Okay....how's this for a head scratcher! I THOUGHT I had purchased the warranty at time of purchase.....no, I'll re phrase that.....I purchased the extended warranty at time of purchase of my kombi. With me so far? I get an email from VW saying my (original) warranty is about to expire....would I like to extend? Hmmmm, thought no more about it until I took it in for its first mot the other day. Still with me....pretty straight forward, right.....wrong! I just happen to mention my extended warranty.
"Huh, what extended warranty Mopardave….there's no extended warranty showing on the system big stud."
"Oh no no no....it has to be there....I paid £329 for it!"
"Not 'ere ya didn't....now run along....there's a good lad!"
"But, but, but.....I did....I know I did!"
"NURSE!.….put Mopardave back in his van and send him on his way! Can you remember how to get home soft lad?"
"But I've got it in writing?"
"You have have you? Bless, is there someone we can call to make sure you get home safely?"
The showroom manager assured me that the dealership DOES NOT deal with extended warranties....the customer has to set it up themselves. Lets just say the salesman who "sold" me the warranty left some time ago and I'll say no more about that for now! I have a printed document that clearly says extended warranty PURCHASED capped at 5 years and 80000 miles! Can you imagine if my engine or gearbox expired after 2nd sept (end of original warranty)….the way VW are with warranty claims these days, I have a feeling I know which way it would go! In fairness to the dealer, they've been first rate so far and I think if anything sinister has happened, they'll do right by me.
Anyone care to offer an explanation?
Answers on a postcard!