What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

It’s the Kombi pod originally, just making some adjustments to fit in some side storage and an additional pull out draw for fridge. Width of bed now at 140- small double work ongoing !!

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Thanks for the reply, it looks good. Can’t make my mind up weather to have a bed like yours or a pull out bed from one side, leaving room for a MTB
I did the big suspension swap yesterday and fitted the Koni active damper kit and springs.
Needless to say, what I removed was as crusty and knackered. So swapped hubs and drop links at the same time.
I didn’t take many photos as I was grafting on and not mincing about too much.
Photo 1 & 5 is before.
As a side note. I was expecting a much harsher / stiffer ride. But. It’s bloody lovely!
Feels plush and compliant. With minimal body roll. I’m impressed.3769C367-E21C-4EC7-AEB4-F18BEAC68772.jpeg
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