Loving the utterly random essay !!
I absolutely agree with you that school should only be part of your education, especially in this country. We seem only to want to drive learning into our children too early in Blighty and we could learn a lot from the French or Dutch who don't do anything other than play up until the age of 7. The amount of homework my boys (12 & 9) get is ridiculous, especially when they should be out playing with every spare moment they get. Mind you, I do wish they would spend less time butchering the Vel's sliding doors
My boys are lucky (in respect of languages that is!?!) too as their mother is French and so they're both fluent. Grandparents don't speak a word of the best language in the world and so they had to learn early. Hence the long journeys to Noirmoutier where they live.
Anyway, we should perhaps share these ramblings over a beer if this forum ever does organise that get-together......somewhere near Bristol methinks