Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

Well today has gone ok, lol. Made it to The Pyrenees and using a spot I found on park4night. Quite close to a very windy road so I can't see it being busy during the night. Also next to quite a fast flowing river which sounds pretty good and should help me off to sleep.

Not sure whether it'll be roof up or down, although I don't think I'll have a problem if I don't go stealthy.

I brought some curry, chilli and beef stews that I froze a few weeks ago with me. Last night I had the curry, tonight it will be a beef stew and some French bread but it'll have to be doors closed as this looks like midge city here.

View attachment 175812Park4night2 by Nigel G, on Flickr

View attachment 175813Park4night by Nigel G, on Flickr
With the way your luck is going watch out for the wolves!
5 hour drive from Seville to the east coast, found a site for the night at a campsite in a place called Anguilas. Nice walk round town, lots of Spanish folk out and about on a balmy night. Tomorrow heading up the coast towards costa del brits….

Food waste is in a bag in the van so as not to attract animals!

I'll use the potty tonight. No early bird will be getting my worm.
Be careful of farm dogs if in the Spanish Pyrenees, not as friendly as the farm pooches in the UK. I found out just how fast I can still run.
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5 hour drive from Seville to the east coast, found a site for the night at a campsite in a place called Anguilas. Nice walk round town, lots of Spanish folk out and about on a balmy night. Tomorrow heading up the coast towards costa del brits….

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Have they put you in a greenhouse for the night? :think smile bounce:
5 hour drive from Seville to the east coast, found a site for the night at a campsite in a place called Anguilas. Nice walk round town, lots of Spanish folk out and about on a balmy night. Tomorrow heading up the coast towards costa del brits….

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Cartagena worth a visit.

And if you want a good fish restaurant, with a nice setting on your way up the coast - try Antipodas in La Azohia between Mazzaron and Cartagena. Nicely away from the sunburnt Brits. And a nice stroll up to the castle above to walk off your lunch or work up an appetite!
Cartagena worth a visit.

And if you want a good fish restaurant, with a nice setting on your way up the coast - try Antipodas in La Azohia between Mazzaron and Cartagena. Nicely away from the sunburnt Brits. And a nice stroll up to the castle above to walk off your lunch or work up an appetite!
Strange, I thought Cartagena was a bit of a dump. Lots of very poor areas. Only decent bit was this:

Screenshot 2022-10-13 at 17.20.51.png
Epic views @Bigsidavies, and some great scran to match. ;)

Hope you're both on the mend.
Yeah views are immense and we rarely stop at the top to take them in.
Cheers for the good wishes, I think we are coming out the other side now.
Was only saying last week that we should see about another booster as it’s over 18 months since we had the booster.
Yeah views are immense and we rarely stop at the top to take them in.
Always the same when it's local. We have a cracking view from our home (not quite on a par with Holme Moss), but we rarely pause to appreciate it. :rolleyes:
Was only saying last week that we should see about another booster as it’s over 18 months since we had the booster.
Just weighing-up whether to have another booster. I'm no anti-vaxxer, but getting booster after booster is not usually how vaccines work and there seems precious little explanation available (I prefer making informed decisions rather than just doing as I'm told!).
Always the same when it's local. We have a cracking view from our home (not quite on a par with Holme Moss), but we rarely pause to appreciate it. :rolleyes:

Just weighing-up whether to have another booster. I'm no anti-vaxxer, but getting booster after booster is not usually how vaccines work and there seems precious little explanation available (I prefer making informed decisions rather than just doing as I'm told!).
That was pretty much the way our conversation went. Anyway, we should have a bit of natural immunity for a while after this.
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Always the same when it's local. We have a cracking view from our home (not quite on a par with Holme Moss), but we rarely pause to appreciate it. :rolleyes:

Just weighing-up whether to have another booster. I'm no anti-vaxxer, but getting booster after booster is not usually how vaccines work and there seems precious little explanation available (I prefer making informed decisions rather than just doing as I'm told!).
At the risk of a derail - annual flu and Covid vaccination is a very good thing. These viruses mutate and evade your immunity over time, so it’s important to get some antibodies primed for this year’s strain.
I slept like a log in this spot on the French side of The Pyrenees. I didn't wake up until around 0815, a lot later than I expected and wanted to. I then started my drive to Spain to south of Alicante.

I have woken up to worse views. Had breakfast in worse places too.

52425903605_694bea0669_c.jpgIMG_0225 by Nigel G, on Flickr

I have woken up next to worse looking cows, albeit never 3 of them.

52425744764_f7b8d9fecf_c.jpg3 Cows by Nigel G, on Flickr

I had to stop as a few of these were wandering on the road. The sound of all of their bells ringing was great.

52425767499_ccfd88a722_c.jpgVan cows by Nigel G, on Flickr

The problem is, my 6 1/2 hour drive kept getting longer as I had to keep stopping to take in the views. I love this area.

52425449516_9fdf2e772c_c.jpgMountain Van by Nigel G, on Flickr

52425737714_26a22a2034_c.jpgMountain Van 2 by Nigel G, on Flickr

And then finally on the Spanish side.

52425742504_e98fcc471f_c.jpgAutumn Van by Nigel G, on Flickr

So, in case you were wondering where I had been in my van today, France and Spain. No mishaps either.
At the risk of a derail - annual flu and Covid vaccination is a very good thing. These viruses mutate and evade your immunity over time, so it’s important to get some antibodies primed for this year’s strain.
Apologies to all for continuing the derail, but...

I understand the mutation argument, however, I remain unconvinced by the reasoning that says we need constant boosters because "antibody immunity wanes over time". Of course it does - it's supposed to. It's the B Lymphocytes' job to act as the immune system's "memory" and generate appropriate antibodies as & when required. It's this exclusive focus on the longevity of antibodies and the complete lack of acknowledgement of how the immune system as a whole works that makes me question the motivation at play.