My missus doesn't leave much to chance and had looked and photographed the tide tables at the campsite office as well as having the bus timetable for the number 99 bus back to Lowestoft.
Reality of the tide table lookup was that we hadn't got much of a clue from reading it but assumed we could walk roughly 7 miles in about 35 minutes so what could possibly go wrong?
The only bit where we nearly got stuck was near to Easton Bavents according to googlemap where a small lagoon empties onto and cuts through the beach but we walked upstream into the field about 50ft and then shinned our way along the safety fence before shimmying the 15ft over the stream on the fence and back to the beach on the Southwold side mission accomplished.

We did fall foul of the tide finally just as we got to the concrete reinforcing alongside the pier carpark and had to scramble over the granite blocks to reach the safety of the empty overspill carpark, ignorance is bliss, we're proof.