So today I had to attend a meeting with one of my clients in Oundle at 8.30 am.
Who sets a meeting for 8.30am on a Monday morning???
So when my alarm went off at 4.30 am, I was not looking forward to my 2 ½ hour drive, as I assumed this was a form of punishment for some dissatisfaction with the work or progress and I thought I was heading to be the "Guest of honour" at an Ass kicking party.
As it turned out they were rather pleased with how things were going and wanted to discuss additional work (Could have done that at midday but hay ho).
Now I was "Guest of honour" at a Praise the Lord party (pun intended).
So, as it is now only 10 am and I had nothing planned for the rest of the day, I decided to take the scenic route home rather than the boring A14.
As I was trundling through the rather pretty countryside I can across a sign for Rutland water centre. Now I recalled seeing something about this on the forum over the weekend and curiosity got the better of me, so with smart phone in hand, I found a suitable spot and pulled over to check out the forum, where I duly found a link to said Water centre.
Once I looked up from my phone I realised I was parked next to a rather impressive Viaduct. So with phone still in hand I thought this is a good spot for a picture. Right on cue, a choo choo Thomas appeared in the background to further enhance the picture (see below).
Rather pleased with my David Bailey impersonation and with watery place thingy link now in my sat nav, I set off on the next part of my adventure.
Around the corner I found myself on a rather impressive straight road with a field of gold ahead, shining in the sunshine. (See below)
After looking for a rainbow, to no avail, off I trot, heading for watery place.
The link directed me to the centre of the lake, well a peninsular actually, if it was the centre of the lake I would have drowned and you would not be reading this rather dull tale of my day. A place called Hambleton. Now I visit some lovely places on my travels with work but this is certainly one of the nicest. It reminded me of the Cotswolds. Certainly worth a visit and I spied a couple of very nice looking pubs and camp sites.
T6F Summer meet sprang to mind.
However, I had come to see the lake and to do this involved walking and I’m really wasn’t in the mood for that today. So back in the bus and off to find a better spot closer to the lake.
Pic of nice house below. I’d like to live there.
Once said spot had been located it was time to park up and relax.
It was at this time that I started to feel a little tired due to my early start, but this was not a problem as I have a hob, fridge, kettle, coffee and milk all in my van.

So I set about setting up my van to allow me to make a coffee.
Now I must say, It is a
LOT easier to just go to a Starbucks drive thru (other coffee shops are available) but where’s the fun in that? Plus you can’t make a coffee in a Mondeo, so I was feel rather smug with myself.
A little (well a long) while later and all was ready and my coffee was made. (See pic below)
Next a brisk walk to show willing and some obligatory pics and it was time to leave this wonderful, watery oasis.
So back to my trusty phone and sat nav with home as my destination.
With a tank full of fuel and Spotify playing (no Bangles or Rats) I proceeded to bring to a close my day of adventure.
Then just to add the icing to the cake, on the way home the kids ring and asked if I wanted a take away Nandos for dinner. Result !!!
No pics though as this isn’t Instagram.
So there you have it. Today I went to Rutland water centre and if you’ve got this far then thanks for reading my silly tale of my day of difference.