Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

We've been here before so knew what to expect in terms of the site but we've always been out of season when it was near empty but it's packed now (albeit with an few vacant pitches).
It would seem that the kids own some parts of Italy go back to school this week meaning that this site started emptying yesterday and this morning. I estimate that it's gone from packed to something between a quarter and a third full over the course of 2 days and IMHO, all the better for it. The beach was also very uncrowded today and a bit less so yesterday and Saturday but absolutely packed on Friday. We're on the ferry to Patras tomorrow but will be back here in three weeks for a couple of days before heading home - I think they close for the season at the end of September.
Just got home from the Twinwood Festival, 11 stages of 1920s to 1950s live music over four days. Some nice little WW1 and WW2 displays on site too, including the restored airfield control tower. Camp site areas were enormous, whole event seemed very well organised.


The Glenn Miller Orchestra performing on the main arena.

Another view of the arena with the Red Stripe Band performing:



There was a trade stand selling flagpoles...

Coming home was the first time I have driven the van in the dark, can now understand all the posts disparaging the effectiveness of T6 headlights!
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Thats brilliant! So simple! I'm a big heavy lad, 6'5" and about 20 1/2 stone, so I was relegated to a SoT kayak with a large payload capacity as about the only small craft that could handle me.

I broke my elbow awkwardly and managed to damage some nerves and injure my shoulder into the bargain which has left me weak down that side lesving me unable to manhandle the SoT onto the roof of my XC90 so I ended up giving it to my son in law to enjoy. (You should see the other guy - seriously, I was assaulted in the street by a crackhead and I knew hed broken bones as Id done it before and knew the feeling so I smacked him in the nuts so hard me may struggle to have children - it worked though, the dibble scraped him off the road and he was charged with wounding and went to prison)

Something like this would have been ideal but it never even occurred to me that this was a thing!
I use one too. Great solution.
On a ferry from Ancona to Patras, Greece (24hr journey across The Adriatic, currently mid-way). First picture is the view of the car deck with our van marked by the arrow behind a grey Cali with roof box. Second is the view from the cabin window. Boarding was the usual Greek organised chaos which seems to work for them most of the time.Ferry Deck.jpgFerry View.jpg
After 8 days and 3 campsites visiting friends in the Netherlands, ( who always make sure we find the right pitch)IMG_0224.jpegIMG_0226.jpegIMG_0221.jpeg4 days meeting up with Swiss friends at a campsite in Saint-Jean-de-Chevelu France. Now set up for a few days at Camping Chisonetto Sestriere Borgata in the Piedmont Mountains.
Photos in wrong order but beyond my keyboard skills to rearrange.
IMG_5274.jpegDown in Cornwall, just off the camel trail (M25 for cyclists!). We walked it yesterday into Padstow for some lunch at steins bistro (ok but not as nice as the prices would make you believe). Today we did the tour at camel valley vineyard. I can’t drink wine so the wife was very happy to polish off 2 flights of wines. Beach tomorrow if the weather holds upIMG_5272.jpeg
Edit: I should probably mention that just behind hedge at the back of the awning is the A39, great for bus links, not so great for road noise!
Further to my previous post (#10,810), based on past experience with the ferry company in particular and Italy and Greece in general, we guessed that the arrival at Patras would be delayed so booked ourselves a cheap AirBnB for one night about 15 minutes from the port - I'l;l also try to get the same place for a couple of nights when we do the return trip. After going out for some scoff in Patras and a decent nights kip (A/C on all night keeping the inside temperature at 26°), we got a reasonably early start and drove down to near the bottonm of The Pelopennese and Koroni Camping. The last time we stayed here was mid-September last year and it was packed but this time we've apparently arrived during a lull and there's bags off space but they expect it to get much busier at the weekend . ACSI card hasn't kicked in yet but it's still only €30 per night (inc. €7 extra for the electric hookup) which we will probably need as we're on a pitch with very good shade from the surrounding trees. The site's great with nice clean facilities, a nice pool, a good on-site taverna, a mini market and a short but steep path down to a beach and lovely warm sea. The town of Koroni itself is only about 15 minutes walk away with loads of other options and a slightly larger shoipo market but there's a much bigger supermarket only about 1Km in the other direction. All in all, thoroughly recommended. No idea how long wee will stay her but it will be at least until mid-next week. As an aside, we haven't seen any other Brits since coming through The Mont Blanc Tunnel from Italy at the sites that we've stayed at and Brit plate cars only in low single figures.
Koroni Pitch.jpg
Further to my previous post (#10,810), based on past experience with the ferry company in particular and Italy and Greece in general, we guessed that the arrival at Patras would be delayed so booked ourselves a cheap AirBnB for one night about 15 minutes from the port - I'l;l also try to get the same place for a couple of nights when we do the return trip. After going out for some scoff in Patras and a decent nights kip (A/C on all night keeping the inside temperature at 26°), we got a reasonably early start and drove down to near the bottonm of The Pelopennese and Koroni Camping. The last time we stayed here was mid-September last year and it was packed but this time we've apparently arrived during a lull and there's bags off space but they expect it to get much busier at the weekend . ACSI card hasn't kicked in yet but it's still only €30 per night (inc. €7 extra for the electric hookup) which we will probably need as we're on a pitch with very good shade from the surrounding trees. The site's great with nice clean facilities, a nice pool, a good on-site taverna, a mini market and a short but steep path down to a beach and lovely warm sea. The town of Koroni itself is only about 15 minutes walk away with loads of other options and a slightly larger shoipo market but there's a much bigger supermarket only about 1Km in the other direction. All in all, thoroughly recommended. No idea how long wee will stay her but it will be at least until mid-next week. As an aside, we haven't seen any other Brits since coming through The Mont Blanc Tunnel from Italy at the sites that we've stayed at and Brit plate cars only in low single figures.
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What an epic trip, sounds and looks amazing.