I have a HP dash cam in the works car and the same unit in my T6. Following an incident this morning, I am now seriously thinking of upgrading the one in the van to also have a rear view second camera.
Heading out of the village in the works car, stationary on a single lane waiting to enter a roundabout with approximately 5 vehicles in front of me. From my rear view mirror I see a 1 series BMW (before people say "Polzeylad has a 1 Series, where was he?", it was a woman driving it), pull out from the queue about 4 cars back and overtake everyone until she gets beside me where she can't continue any further because I am adjacent to a traffic island. So at this point she try's to force her way in through my drivers door as there is no room in front of me as I am on the tail of the car in front of me, all sitting patiently waiting our turn to pull out and continue our journeys.
I was actually in a rather relaxed mood this morning so did not even turn and look, mouth, gesticulate or anything (was quite impressed with myself) the biggest factor was that I was in uniform, and can't afford to lose my job. Anyway as the car in front moved forward I equally moved forward to only receive a honk on the horn of the irate BMW owner because she could not get in front of me. Clearly no regard for the fact its a single lane, and that she (a) shouldn't be driving like a Tw*t, and (b) is not Queen Sheeba and more important than everyone else.
So my turn comes and off I trundle on to the roundabout and onto the dual carriageway on the other side. Mrs Bad Tempered BMW driver is then behind me, and I can not believe what I see next. We are in lane 2 when her head dissappears from view as she reaches down to what I expect is her handbag in the passenger side footwell. She looks up for a moment, and then turns away, head dissappears again, then pops back up. By this point we are at the end of the dual carriageway where there is traffic so both lanes are stationary waiting for the lights on the next roundabout to change, so I move into lane 1 as this puts me into the correct lane for the far side of the roundabout. I then see what Mrs BMW was doing whilst not concentrating on the road in front of her, as she has her mobile phone in her hand taking a picture of the back of my car? Why? Feck knows. But the dodgy no looking driving a few seconds earlier had clearly been due to getting her mobile out of her bag.
As if this was not baffling enough, said ignorant BMW driver then moves to the inside of the dual carriageway (two lanes) and squeezes and bumps her way up the inside of me, in the gutter and against the kerb, turning to look at me and mouth off as she carries on, squeezing down the inside of all the other cars until she gets to the point about 10 cars up where the dual carriageway opens up to an additional lane on the nearside to get onto the motorway.
I was so dumbfounded I downloaded the footage from my front facing camera, which captures some of the stuff perfectly, and equally shows that at no point in the journey have I made any contravention of the road traffic act. I only wish I also had one pointing backwards in the works car, as it would have shown everything that this BMW driver was doing. So now holding on to the footage to see what happens, as she has my reg number from a still photograph taken on a mobile phone whilst in charge of a motor vehicle whose engine was running (but I equally have hers - plus moving video footage of the quality of her driving). Equally when she came alongside the second time she'd have probably clocked my uniform and all the covert lights in the grill and windscreen, so half expecting some form of complaint. Quite looking forward to handing over the video and acompanying contemporaneous note to the Police.
Therefore from this lesson I have learned, rear facing camera's are as invaluable as front ones, and that lady BMW drivers are as bad as their male counterparts...... Grenade launched... stand well back.....