2006 T5 2.5 AXD Engine Not Starting California Camper conversion.


This is my very first post, so please be gentle.
My brother in Law (Ron) has the above vehicle which will not start. The following is an trail of what has happened since the vehicle decided not to start back in Dec 2023.
Ron having a funeral to attend later in the day, started the vehicle to clear the ice of the screen and left it running for approx 15mins. he then switched it off. When he when to start it to go to the funeral it wouldn't start. Prior to this the vehicle had no problems whatsoever. It had a recondition engine fitted supplied by Ivor Searle, 4 years ago, and has covered 37,000 miles since without trouble.

Since when the following is all that has happened.
Diagnostics carried out and report stated no electrical issues found, suspect timing.
The vehicle was taken to a diesel specialist in Cambridge who had the vehicle for 5 months, fitting cam sensor, checking timing, testing injectors etc, but they were unable to get it started.

In June this year it was taken to a very large VW dealer workshop were the following was carried out.
Fuel tank removed and flushed out, in-tank pump cleaned and tested, all okay., but vehicle still would not start.
New Tandem pump fitted, vehicle will only start and run for a short vehicle using brake cleaner.
New ECU. Vehicle still wouldn't start
All 5 injectors removed and sent to Colchester Injectors for testing. All 5 failed (3mechanical and 2 electrical).
A set of refurbished injectors purchased from WT Diesels and fitted by VW. vehicle will only start and run for a short vehicle using brake cleaner.
In addition to the above, VW have done all the following; crank and cam sensor and checked all wiring. Checked the wiring loom for the injectors.
checked voltage on start up to make sure enough power for ECU wo operate. Checked no issues with immobiliser.
After all this and close on £6k spent vehicle will only start and run for a short vehicle using brake cleaner.
VW are saying anything else they do will be a calculated guess.

HELP has anyone got any other things that VW should try.

Thanks. Derry
How long does it run for with no brake cleaner?
What was it scanned with? Need VCDS ideally.
Any engine management lights on?
How long does it run for with no brake cleaner?
What was it scanned with? Need VCDS ideally.
Any engine management lights on?
it only runs for about 1 minute max on brake cleaner
I assume as its at a very large VW dealership workshop, it was scanned with VW equipment. I dont have any details of VCDS. there were no engine managment lights on when the issue first started,

thanks Derry
How long does it run with no brake cleaner? Will it even start on its own?
Any other issues? Do all electrics work?
I assume they have replaced fuel filters as part of the initial work completed?
Also have they checked for a clogged DPF, especially of the vehicle was left idling for a while and not able to do a regen?
Does a van of that vintage have a DPF?

Faulty immobiliser or antenna? I'd also advise trying the spare key - they're was a guy on the VOC forum who car either wouldn't start or would only run for a short while. Like you he had new lift pumps, fannied with the injectors, spent a lot of time and money only to one day pick up his wife's key ring and use her key and it ran perfectly. Best guess is a wonky transponder on the original key. It's probably not, but it costs nothing to try and you never know...
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I am thinking immobiliser, usually it would run for 2-3 seconds then cut out. Also a BCM can cause the van not to run.
How long does it run with no brake cleaner? Will it even start on its own?
Any other issues? Do all electrics work?
Hi PhilH
I understand from the VW dealer workshop it only runs for as long as the spray brake cleaner into it.
No it will not start without using brake cleaner.
They have checked all electrical and no faults.

Just to be clear, the vehicle has been in the VW dealership workshops since June and has had all the parts fitted that they thought would solve the issue (see my original post for these details)

As I’m sure you can imagine on behalf of my BiL whose vehicle it is, I ask VW last week to confirm they had checked these 4 areas.
I. Cam and Crank sensors including wiring to and from.
2. Blocked fuel line.
3. Voltage drop when attempting to start, low voltage mat not all ECU to function properly.
4. Immobiliser.

VW confirmed all 4 points had been checked and all ok.

I pick those 4 items from speaking to dozens of VW users.

I myself and the BiL are not the knowledgeable about Deisel engines, hence taking it to a large VW dealer workshop.
We knew it was likely to be expensive, but not +£5k and still not starting.

Someone has mentioned fuel pressure getting to the injectors, apparently injectors on this particular engine run of the cam shaft, so you can’t check if fuel is getting to the injector by simply cracking the feed pipe. Or so I have just been told. Not sure if this bit is true ?
Hello Phil
No I don’t know, however, as before, being a VW workshop I assume this is something I would think the VW technician would have done. Or am I putting to much faith in VW.

My BiL is just like any other customer who has taken his non start vehicle to a professional workshop to have repaired.

The thing which amazes me is that a VW workshop are unable to identify the issue and rectify it. I appreciate at 2006 vintage it’s classed as obsolete by VW I would still of expected them to sort it.

Thanks once again for your response.
Hi Sasquach

Thanks for your response. When the vehicle first failed to start we called upon a diesel specialist from Cambridge, they sent out their mobile technician who carried out a diagnostics which didn’t throw up any fails. They suggested it go into a garage for further investigation. Because my grandson had had previous dealings with this company my BiL decided to have it trailered the 30 miles to their workshop where they tried all sorts of things but still never managed to get it started. So we agree to pay their bill and collect the vehicle.

My BiL was advised to take it to a recognised VW dealers. It was then trailered to the VW dealers, where it has been since, with all the work mentioned in my original post.

My BiL thought by taking it to a VW dealer they would be able to get it running in the 6 months they’ve had it and the near £6k bill.

I personally are at the point of advising my BiL to cuts his loss and scrap the vehicle, the problem is it’s his pride and joy, and to be fair it’s a bloody good camper van, albeit 2006 vintage.
I would not give up on it, you just need the right garage. Mechanics these days can only fix a fault when the computer tells them what the fault is. You need an old school garage with proper mechanics who have been in the trade for a long time. It might be worth asking the question on here if anyone can recommend a garage. There are plenty of Transporter specialists about.

It sounds like all the obvious causes have been checked but nothing in-depth. A faulty ECU or BCM may not give a fault code.

I had a friend with a T5 and the BCM (think T5’s are ECM) went bad and it would not start.

As @Sasquatch mentioned, the key could have lost its sync with the ECU so it’s not an actually a immobiliser fault but key not recognised. Did you try the spare key as suggested?
Just spoken to BiL, unfortunately he doesn’t have a spare key. The only key is with VW.

I slso discovered this afternoon that when it first would not start back in December 2023 a well
Recognised and recommended vehicle electrical mechanic ( an older guy who all the independent garages use) went to the vehicle and carried out a diagnostics test, he pointed out to my BiL that reading for each of the injectiors were not reaching the correct current required for them to fire up and suggested a possible issue with the timing.
Does a van of that vintage have a DPF?

Faulty immobiliser or antenna? I'd also advise trying the spare key - they're was a guy on the VOC forum who car either wouldn't start or would only run for a short while. Like you he had new lift pumps, fannied with the injectors, spent a lot of time and money only to one day pick up his wife's key ring and use her key and it ran perfectly. Best guess is a wonky transponder on the original key. It's probably not, but it costs nothing to try and you never know...
DPF's were introduced mid 2006, so possibly has one
Per AXD (5-cyl 96kW variant) engine workshop manual AXD doesn't have DPF.
Also wiring diagram for AXD engine doesn't have G450 exhaust pressure sensor suggesting no DPF.
Before my T6 I had T5 & AXD engine and definitely no DPF.

However, DPF was onboard on T5 BNZ engine (also 5-cyl 96kW), from January 2006 onwards, as well on T5 5-cyl engine BPC (128 kW).
Just spoken to BiL, unfortunately he doesn’t have a spare key. The only key is with VW.

I slso discovered this afternoon that when it first would not start back in December 2023 a well
Recognised and recommended vehicle electrical mechanic ( an older guy who all the independent garages use) went to the vehicle and carried out a diagnostics test, he pointed out to my BiL that reading for each of the injectiors were not reaching the correct current required for them to fire up and suggested a possible issue with the timing.

Strangely, this came up in my Facebook timeline earlier today:

[TL;DW the guy diagnoses crank no start in 5 mins with no scanner.]

Wow who would have thought. I have a meeting with the VW workshop on Friday and will be adding this to my list of possible causes. Thanks very much CJW
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Do you know it the T5 has a fuel pump in or near the fuel tank, or does it only have the Tandem pump fitted on the engine.
