Anyone fancy a laugh?

Please tell me VW haven't gone into partnership with Chevrolet. :rolleyes:
Not even LED headlights for that price!
Personally I think it looks crap - not to my liking at all.
Yes they're LEDs

Big money for a van - although a very nice makeover - people with deep pockets will spend that sort of money on bespoke items. I’ve seen Merc Vitos with lavish interiors costing more than £250k - normally pulling up to their Jet plane :cool: :cool:
Aren't the really fancy Vitos 'Maybach' badged?
I guess that why the chap owns a Lamborghini aventador. His dad sells off all the spares he removes from the vans.
Think of the fun you could have with that dosh. £50k on a van and £50k on a trackcar/old Italian car