Covid-19: How is it affecting you?

What a day! Found out my car has been keyed front to back (moved off the drive to make way for the van) and now the neighbours drains are backed up so we can’t flush the toilet for the next ??? Hours/days or risk flooding their house.
Oh well, with social distancing I guess we don’t need to shower anyway!

Sorry to hear that mate. Makes me furious.
Yup it's China's fault, eating anything that moves.
I've not been shopping yet as I only do 1 a month and dont need loads, I eat to live not live to eat. And I don't eat bog roll either!

So in the supermarket what happens if beer comes in a 4 or 6 pack and you can only have 3?
You buy 3 packs of 4 or 6!
Well its day 7 (i think) and.the cabin getting to me. To be honest I'm feeling rather crappy. Cough has started and running a mild temperature.

However its not all bad. Had this delivered today. Only problem is I've still got another 7 days of isolation.
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Nice van....what about starting a new thread while ur convalescing....Team SUNROOF. Very exclusive :thumbsdown::thumbsup:
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Tell me about it.
If I hadn't bought my van,when I did(early feb)..I'd still be driving around in my old landrover.
I took voluntary redundancy in January, I got all my company shares tax free but had to sell at 58 dollars a share, they are now 23 dollars a share !! So I was very lucky .
I took voluntary redundancy in January, I got all my company shares tax free but had to sell at 58 dollars a share, they are now 23 dollars a share !! So I was very lucky .
I started investing in 2011,and built up quite a healthy profit.
I'm now back where I started...apart from the van.
Fortunately I'm 20 years off retirement age,so time for recovery.
Must be devastating for those who were nearing retirement.
Apart from the company ones I’ve never had anymore, I can imagine nowadays the lows are more frequent than the highs unfortunately.
Apart from "The china slowdown" it's been nice and steady.
I only buy funds btw
Not straight shares...Too volatile for me.

do you have any recommended reading? Going to order the Tim Hale book.

I went to see an investment company a couple of years ago and they wanted 3% of your cash just to place money with them plus a slice of annual profits. I want to avoid the fee!
Hargreaves landsdown website would be a start.
They are a direct broker who will charge a fee..but nothing like 3%.
Their"wealth 150"list is said to be a compilation of(what they consider)to be the best funds to invest in atm.
They won't give you financial're just paying them to do the admin.
However,their website is very informative
What a day! Found out my car has been keyed front to back (moved off the drive to make way for the van) and now the neighbours drains are backed up so we can’t flush the toilet for the next ??? Hours/days or risk flooding their house.
Oh well, with social distancing I guess we don’t need to shower anyway!
Reading through all this thread, including my reply a few days ago about how it's effected my business, has made me personally realise that the loss of my work pales into insignificance when it comes to the vulnerable people around me. I don't get to see my Dad very often because he lives the other side of the country on a narrow boat, but I suspect like most of us, we are making those calls to check up on loved ones. I forget that i'm not 18 anymore, and my Dads not in his 40s like I remember as a kid. A strong resilient farmer that never got poorly, never seemed to be tired and always seemed like a huge strong bloke to me. You make the calls and you listen to their voices and realise they are old and not what they used to be. My mother has always been a short fused strong woman that would never mince her words, be super organised and very resourceful if she needed to be. The call to her, I sensed more than worry in her voice, she sounded scared about things. Neither sounded overly worried about the actual virus, yet both spoke about things they'd seen in supermarkets, tempers starting to show in totally abnormal situations. Extra security around shopping for essentials, empty shelves.

My elderly neighbours were the same. One left a message on my answer phone in tears because she'd ran out of loo roll and didn't want to 'bother' anyone. She's 95! My other elderly neighbour walked over to me whilst I was washing my daughters Mini. Something he wouldn't normally do. He just seemed like he wanted to chat. Being overly cautious on his distance, but I got the feeling he just wanted to remind me he was there and not to forget him. We live in a quiet close where almost all the residents are elderly. My wife and I, plus a couple of other houses are the only younger generations and i'm in my mid 40s, so that's saying something. They all know we will help if need be, but they are all furiously independent. The 95 year old still drives on a daily basis.

My wife is a frontline Midwife at Kettering General. The last few days she's been coming home exhausted. Staff are dropping like flies, work loads are getting higher, and the job is fast changing and adapting to the current situation. I selfishly said to her yesterday that if society starts to go sideways, she shouldn't be going to work and we should all be at home together. She just laughed and said "I have a moral duty of care Paul, and nothing comes between that" Could I have that attitude to total strangers? I'm not sure I could.

This current situation is scaring the people around me and me banging on about loosing my work and over exaggerating the fact I might go under is shameful. I will be ok financially, and we will still be able to make payments. My business might pause for a short time, but it will still start again once this is over. I understand that's not the same for everyone, and people are going to loose everything over this, but me personally, I wish in hindsight I hadn't sounded so selfish.
Providing we all do our bit, and the minority of the country that are hell bent on profiting or throwing out doomsday quotes are ignored for what they are, the British people will get through this. Maybe once it's all over we might have just a little more respect for our fellow man and neighbour. Maybe not.
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