We know which one is worth moreWhat if the delivery guy was a carrier......you’ve then got to deep clean ...that’s if you can afford to buy at this time.....instead of a free tank of fuel...a free van full of bog roll

We know which one is worth moreWhat if the delivery guy was a carrier......you’ve then got to deep clean ...that’s if you can afford to buy at this time.....instead of a free tank of fuel...a free van full of bog roll
I reckon it's natures way of having a sort out and giving the planet a bit of a rest.
This will have happened many, many times before for thousands of years. It's just that we've not been aware of it and had it hyped up by the press. It seems that the people that have sadly died have had underlying issues, and the inevitable has been brought forward by a few weeks/months. The fact that we are aware of these thing nowadays and seem to have to do what we can to prevent/change them is just another way of fighting nature and buggering up the whole system.
Basically I'm f***ed.
I'm a self-employed electrical contractor who's major contract is inspection & testing and checking electrical compliance at Priory Healthcare sites. Been told today that after next week there's no access for a minimum of 3 months now.
We are buggered too.
DHL were supposed to deliver a pump yesturday but no show, we guessed they would try again today as we also had another pump coming for another job, absoluetly no delivery.
Both days sat in waiting and now thats 2 jobs we cannot do. We have no money to rely on, £4000 went on these pumps so unless we do the jobs we are in shtt street. Very frustrating especially with no update.
I question if UKmail and DHL are about to go under if they cannot update the system. I had an order of electrical cable which was supposed to be picked up from the supplier today, guess who by, yes DHL ukmail, absolutely no show so something is a foot. 3 totally seperate items and orders and all 3 failed.
Keep doing what your doing buddy, your work is very much appreciated. Back bone of Britain. (bicep arm smiley inserted here ;-) )I'm a lorry driver for a pharmaceuticals distributer..things have got decidedly manic.
Cheers fellaKeep doing what your doing buddy, your work is very much appreciated. Back bone of Britain. (bicep arm smiley inserted here ;-) )
I'm a lorry driver for a pharmaceuticals distributer..things have got decidedly manic.
I'm a lorry driver for a pharmaceuticals distributer..things have got decidedly manic.
all rules seem to be chucked out the window at the moment.So they’re prepared to forego other essential h&s activities - Can you challenge the decision based on legal requirements to test equipment?
How are you supposed to get an exemption if your a key worker and need your kids in school? Who agrees what is classed as a key worker? Will you need to prove this or have letter from your company? This is going to cause my team a few issues I suspect just when we need every man to thr pump.