Pin 44 on the BCM connector T73a (BCM black connector) is correct +12V (IGNition on) for you. It's fused by SC32. I'm assuming the "A" is the T73a, and "B" is respectively T73b (BCM white connector)
View attachment 148022

However, I'm a bit curious about wiring. See on connector T41 pins 26 and 29 in the snippet below. Are they connected together in your wiring?
View attachment 148023

View attachment 148024

Full OEM wiring diagram in the link - see page 102/2 for the above
I have connected them together this morning and coded but I'm still getting fault code u014600 lost communication module A any idea's
I have connected them together this morning and coded but I'm still getting fault code u014600 lost communication module A any idea's
Is the U0146 00 the only fault?

What's the status of "Cruise control main switch"? "Off" or "Not installed"
fault code u014600 lost communication
Which controller reports the fault? Engine, DSG, Central electrics? Did the fault came with the coding change?
Could you please post full current Scan report.
Which controller reports the fault? Engine, DSG, Central electrics? Did the fault came with the coding change?
Could you please post full current Scan report.
It's in the engine yes the fault comes up when coding is changed
Yes I will do a full scan with the fault introduced tomorrow after work
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Hi sorry I've not been back to you sooner today I've been through all the wiring and couldn't anything wrong coded the cc with my obdeleven pro and this is what I got


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I’ve not read the whole thread so if I get the wrong end of the stick that is why.
So byte 29 turns on the LIN bus used (in my2019 T6) for MFSW. If you have the earlier engine/stalk CCS, it uses the other LIN bus.

If you have turned one of them off, that is prob why you are having problems.
Use the CCS wiring and LIN bus for your engine EU designation and if stork or MFSW.
NB warning! If you remove both white and black J519 plug covers at the same time, you can get them on the wrong plugs and they will then fit in the wrong ports!!!!
The mechanical coding is on the white or black plug!! Get them on the wrong plug and you will blow J519.
Someone retrofitted a tow bar and got them wrong. The HFW switch (if fitted) will light up with the key out and the CAN will be in the wrong slots.
To avoid this, just work on one at a time and plug the cover back on prior to removing the other cover.

NB 70 mA is the factory specified limit for parasitic (quiescent) current drain.

If the LIN wire to the alternator goes open circuit, you will also have no comms issues. They always seem to corrode in the plastic convoluted sleeve which runs in under the sump.
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Hi sorry I've not been back to you sooner today I've been through all the wiring and couldn't anything wrong coded the cc with my obdeleven pro and this is what I got
Thanks. However, this report didn't have the codings of the controllers. Just wanted to double-check the codings (a version of them was posted earlier in posts #167-170).

So, could you please post again the codings for 01-Engine and 09-Central electrics - just to confirm they are correct.

You can copy and paste the codings directly from OBDeleven (even offline - without connecting into the van).

My Car >Control Units >01 Engine >Info >Press and hold on "Long Coding" ==> coding is copied to clipboard - please paste here

My Car >Control Units >09 Central electrics >Info >Press and hold on "Long Coding" ==> coding is copied to clipboard - please paste here
Engine 00194014432401090000
Central electrics F8AC393A0A212011002809342C2B9C540F90730F604349E03204003F0840
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Yes I've looked at that I also have a concern that in the instructions the image of t10 has alot of cables in that is the same as my middle black plug under the battery and my lowest black plug only had about 4 cables in it so could I have the wrong plug for t10
Did you verify there is a black/yellow wire also from T10 pin 1 to the ECU itself (T94 pin 44) (not just empty slot on engine side)?
The engine fault code "U014600 - Lost Communication With Serial Data Gateway Module "A" a kind of implies something is missing there.

Engine 00194014432401090000
Central electrics F8AC393A0A212011002809342C2B9C540F90730F604349E03204003F0840
The codings seem correct to me - however among T6's there seem to be some undocumented variations.
E.g. 09- Central electrics, byte 17 bit 5 - yours is now "0", quite a few (but not all, confusingly) with cruise on stalk have it set to "1".

If the above didn't solve the mystery I would be tempted to drop the MFSW for now (by coding at least) and try to make Cruise Control buttons to work - at least to see all the switches/buttons are registered correctly by OBDeleven.

The coding changes would be (for CC on stalk, no MFSW):
Uninstall MFSW - byte 9 bit 3 ==> "0" (unticked) (Thus byte 9 would be "20")​
Unisntall MFSW LIN bus - byte 29 bit 6 ==> "0" (unticked) (Thus byte 29 would be "00")​

I would read the fault codes (from engine and central electrics) after each change and also verify if/when the CC switches are seen by OBDeleven.
I have been out and uncoded the mfsw and thr cc is working all good I am getting the fault come up now could that be that I have an aftermarket head unit?
My next question is how can I get my mfsw working and my horn thanks so much for your help mmi really grateful

The horn on the MFSW is operated via the LIN as you need to disconnect the physical horn wire which is why it no longer works.
It took me a while to get my MFSW working correctly.
It was all noted down how to do it in the T6 forum, I did make a pdf with instructions on how to do it. if you PM me.
I have been out and uncoded the mfsw and thr cc is working all good
That's good news!
Could you please post the current now codings for engine and central electrics - just to keep track of things.

I am getting the fault come up now could that be that I have an aftermarket head unit?
Not sure if it's related at all.

I've had it working by the lin bus t36b but that was stopping my cc working
I'd try to physically disconnect the LIN bus T73b/36 and then code MFSW back in - byte 9 bit 3 ==> "1" (ticked). EDITed - not a good one :speechless:
The LIN bus obviously is not needed for the Cruise Control with stalk?
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Engine 00194014432401090000
Central electrics F8AC393A0A212011002809342C2B9C540F90730F604349E03204003F0840
Engine 00194014432401090000
Central electrics F8AC393A0A212011002809342C2B9C540F90730F604349E03204003F0840
Hmmm, the codings are the same as yesterday?

I've fitted a mk6 golf r line mfsw without cruise control on it
Do you have the wiring diagram for this? How it connects to LINbus T73b/36?
Hmmm, the codings are the same as yesterday?

Do you have the wiring diagram for this? How it connects to LINbus T36b?
I wired it with the two repair wires one to t36b and one to the light switch side light feed
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