Emergency Manual Fuel Door Open -- How We Done It --

The internal pull handle will unlock, open the door.

Unless the door is deadlocked.

In which case you need to un deadlock it with the key in the drivers door or via the fob electronically.
None of that working. Its locked solid
what else electrical is not working?
there is a door loom connection at the A pillar in a zipped bag up under the lower dash covers . . .

does the sc44 fuse blow as soon as you press it in the holder? - with IGN off?
door lock schematic

you can get to the door lock motor wires at the A pillar join - T17r - (17r 17-pin connector, black, on A-pillar)

Ok. So, new fuse in, no ignition and clicked the key fob to unlock the doors and the fuse blew straight away.
so that may imply there is a fault with one of the central locking motors . . . or a jammed lock somewhere.
try opening all the doors , , side slider and rear doors. . . and leave them open

to try and isolate the faulty door

replace the fuse and re-try
so now just the passenger door closed?