None of that working. Its locked solidThe internal pull handle will unlock, open the door.
Unless the door is deadlocked.
In which case you need to un deadlock it with the key in the drivers door or via the fob electronically.
None of that working. Its locked solidThe internal pull handle will unlock, open the door.
Unless the door is deadlocked.
In which case you need to un deadlock it with the key in the drivers door or via the fob electronically.
No nothing. Was all fine then not.any idea what started the fault?
I can't tellthere is a door loom connection at the A pillar in a zipped bag up under the lower dash covers . . .
does the sc44 fuse blow as soon as you press it in the holder? - with IGN off?
what about Horn?Everything seems to be fine. Indicators, lights internal and external.
Horn works, driver door will lock unlock using key.what about Horn?
other door locks?