I bought the kufatec harness which allowed the caravelle seats single plug with loads of pins to connect to my vans various smaller plugs. In hindsight it would have been relatively easy to DIY that part and get the heated seats and electric adjustment working.
What the kufatec harness sold me on was the connection to the BCM for memory function which turned out to be just two small wires that were to be spliced into the BCM connector under the steering wheel which was a PITA. However, when I did this as per the manual and enabled the memory function in VCDS, the van started throwing all sorts of faults with the stereo and climate control system among a few other things. I re-did it a few times to see if I was missing something but the faults were always reproduced.
So in the end I just used the seats without the memory function - everything else worked fine although the heated seats didn't seem to get as hot as my original seats. I think possibly the thicker leather on the caravelle seats require higher wattage on the heat pads.
Edit: Pauly was right with "steady plus K1.30" meaning permanent 12v. I think the kufatec instructions were pretty clear otherwise although as above I never figured out why the memory function didn't work.