@TheGrapeEscape I was 715 from 1989 to the end of 1996 when the powers that be tried to eradicate subbing if you worked for the same employer most of the time.
Went from £10.50 an hour in 96 to JIB rate of I think £6.25 an hour in 97 so changed direction completely and we moved down to Dorset after buying an half share in a fried chicken shop.
Anyway took us 15 yrs to recover our money and then some from that venture only to relocate back to Northampton where to fill the days I eventually went back to sparking and earning in an 8 HR day in 2012 what I had last been earning in 1995 as a subby.
I worked for a couple of outfits until 2020 but in the end called it a day as after having had the chicken shop it was soul destroying to now work for 5hit money and basically sell what's left of your life span for peanuts.
I hope I don't sound too bitter but we all get old and knowing when to cut your losses or to graft harder assuming you're going to live forever suddenly pulls into sharp focus so we're not as rich as some people "appear" to be but can hold on to what we've got and that's probably as good as it gets for our level of ambition.