I've just fitted the Focals. Quite a simple straightforward job. I fitted the Kenwood mini amp a couple of weeks ago too. I adjusted the head unit to approx 25-35% volume with amp gain backed off, and then gradually added gain till I was at the '1' on the unit. About half way. Thats plenty loud enough for me. I'm very happy. Music now has a deep solid sound, without the tinniness. The oem tweeters should be banned as they could probably cause fatal tinnitus. All bought from @Absolut5 so thanks Jason. Its now solid and thats all I wanted. I have a spare channel, I guess I may add a small sub at a later date. But for now I'm pleased and I can enjoy music in the bus. Theres a xylophone on the new Flaming Lips album which caused the oem tweeters to generate what can only be described as like something from the Ipcress Files.