Hello everybody,
Is Albert from Barcelona, first of all sorry for my English….
Well, I’m decided to change headlights from H4 to LED in my '17 plated California T6 and founding this thread has been the key to begin with the process. Beyond this forum, there isn’t so much information about how to DIY (or at least, useful information) and posts here from Pauly and Robert as well as the contributions from other users are nice and clear enough to carry on a successful on retrofit (I hope

Anyway, I am wondering at some points. I will explain my doubts as much as I can do to try to clarify it for me as well as for other users that could reach some questions.
Of course, I promise to upload pics about the process once it will be completed (I hope to have it ready before October).
Points were I’m “roundabouting” now are:
1- Dear
@Robert , why you leave pin 8 empty at 14 pin RHS LED connector image?
Checking the schemas, pin 8 on T14 connector (for both LED hands) is routed to SC30 fuse through B278 15a positive bridge.
It is exactly the same condition meet by H4/H7 original 10 pin conector / pin 1 (also for both sides)
So I don’t understand why it is empty at the image with all the stuff working on the headlight because, according the diagram, there is a +12 connection remaining here.
According the schema only pin empty at new 14 pin connector is the 13th...
Another point is:
2- On LED diagram 23/9 sheet, appears a “J1069 Diagnosis wire relay” what is connected to both LED headlights trough deviation on T14 connector pin 14 (which is a new cable from Headlights to BCM).
This relay is on the other side connected to BCM T73b connector pin 28 and gets positive from SF9 fuse line:
Checking Elsawin, this relay is placed on central dash fuse box and should to be type 479 relay. This place could be also occupied by type 646 relay doing another function.
Looking on my van (LHD, as Clarkson say with the steering wheel on the wrong side) there is nothing here…
Well picture is bad as hell but is possible to guess the hole without relay on positions 2a & 3a
Did you added this new relay
@Robert /
@Pauly ? I guess that it’s only useful to LED checking purposes and anything bad will happen if I don’t install it, but I’m not sure at all.
To finish:
Robert kindly made a list of required parts, but I have doubts about how to plug the new cables (x2 on every headlamp side + 2 for range control module CAN) on 73 pins b connector of the BCM. Crimps for this connector looks tiny in regards to 24 pins connector ones.
It should be done with your listed 1x 000979025E wire?
Or maybe with 10x 000979009E?
In any case I’ve seen that you bought 10 + 1 cable with crimps on both sides when you need to add 6 cables to BCM + 18 cables on range control module 26 pin connector. So, I’m confused with that. I’m thinking in purchase only crimps instead of pre crimped cables, but I’m not sure about which crimp is valid for every connector and how you did it with this 10+1 pre crimped cables.
Any clarification is welcome!!! Thanks in advance.