need those RSVP at the top of the screen clicking to keep a tally on numbers.
To put it into context, I personally get messages through the forum, text messages and WhatsApp messages from loads of different people wanting to attend the weekend. These messages come through at random times and often when i'm at work or busy with customers, and it's not impossible for me to add you to the WhatsApp group, but forget to get
@Dellmassive to add you to our official list. Even i'm not perfect, which I know is hard to believe, I hardly believe it myself, in fact reading back that I admit i'm not perfect just looks weird.
Back to my rant:
Arranging a full weekend for well over 50 vans and potentially over 150 people, that want to turn up on different days, stay for different durations, need power, don't need power, grass pitch, hardstanding pitch, any plus 1's that aren't on the forum, and eventually food booking etc etc, and then translating that to the site, who already have names of people that have booked, is pretty challenging when both myself and
@Dellmassive aren't busy. The RSVP is our failsafe so no one gets left out.
This isn't me having a pop because I know how complex arranging the logistics for these weekends can be, because i've done all of the previous ones and I don't mind at all and it's well worth it for me on the weekend. It's more because
@Dellmassive has taken on more of the logistical details this year, along with everything else he does over the weekend. I never asked him to, he just did it off his own back and if this is making it a little more difficult, I need to insist the RSVP gets clicked.
I can see the names above that have the *** against them and next time a list goes up, if any of those same names have the same *** next to them, they will be given a surcharge forfeit to be decided by myself and
@Loz your on the wrong list, you promised this year, no excuses