The Jokes Thread...

A priest, a pastor and a rabbit walked into blood donation clinic.
The nurse asked the rabbit: "What is your blood type?"

"I am probably a type O" said the rabbit.
Well, I've been looking at this joke for a while now and really didn't get it.
I thought I must be thick.
I've just reread it, after not looking at it for a few weeks & I got it straight away!!

:D :cool:

I can now rest easy with myself :thumbsup:
Time for a cold beer.
Well, I've been looking at this joke for a while now and really didn't get it.
I thought I must be thick.
I've just reread it, after not looking at it for a few weeks & I got it straight away!!

:D :cool:

I can now rest easy with myself :thumbsup:
Time for a cold beer.
The A is doing a lot of heavy lifting in the punch line :D
Katie Price, AKA Jordan.
Has a face like the inside of a shirt smugglers duffle bag.
She would be better off getting reconstructive surgery on her fanny.
Probably resembles a vandalised bus seat/smashed lasagne, other euphemisms are available on request.
Oxygen thief.
Katie Price, AKA Jordan.
Has a face like the inside of a shirt smugglers duffle bag.
She would be better off getting reconstructive surgery on her fanny.
Probably resembles a vandalised bus seat/smashed lasagne, other euphemisms are available on request.
Oxygen thief.
More pricks than a second hand dart board...
Personally, I think the woman is beneath contempt. But I don’t think this is the place to be discussing her lady garden.
Little 4 year old Andy's mum and dad were going our for an aniversary meal.
Andy's grandmother had volunteered to baby sit.

As mum and dad were leaving, grandmother asked if it was OK to have a bath. They said it was fine but the bathroom has no lock and Andy has a habit of walking in.
Anyway grandmother is n the bath, and true to form Andy walks in. Seeing grandmother Andy points at her pussy and asks "What's that?" Grandmother says the first thing that comes to mind - "It's my pet hedgehog". Andy wanders out of the bathroom.

When his parents return home the grandmother tells them what happened and what she said.

About a week later Andy's mother is in the bath when he wanders into the bathroom and asks "What's that?" Pointing at her pussy.

Andy's mother remembers what grandmother told her and replies "It's my pet hedgehog".

Andy responds "Oh granny has got one of those as well, but hers is dead".

"How do you know?"

"All its guts were hanging out."
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