Today’s job was to finish installing the hook locks on the front doors. As I noted before, it’s a job that’s easy to mess up & that would be a very expensive one indeed. Very much a case of measure twice & cut slowly.
My method is as follows:
1) mask up paintwork.
2) measure from door top down with giant right angle.
3) measure from door lock up with 30cm rule.
4) cross check a slot lenght.
5) measure door inner out.
6) offset slot width.
7) 115mm slitting disk long wides.
8) 30mm dreamt cut off tops.
9) remove tang & debut.
10) check slot fit with lock mechanism.
11) offset barrel from TE of door.
12) drill2mm & check centre line.
13) open up to 18mm, mark jetway & drill lower home to 10mm. Slot with seemed.
14) deburr & rush treat.
15) fit mechanism & batter, screw in place.
check lock function!!!
17) mark up for for rivets, then drill.
18) rust treat then rivet.
To ensure the striker plate is correctly placed.
1) mask area for striker.
2) paint end of lock mech, shut door & strive.
3) place striker & mark up.
4) cut slot with dremal & debut.
5) rust treat & tape plate to door
check lock function!!!! Adjust if needed
7) mark off, drill & affix rivets.
8) Pour yourself a single malt, the stressful job is finished!!