Just seen this latest reply for a FOI request to DVLA - ( I have quoted the second part of the reply totally so that it can be read here) they are still being obstructive! ( hoping to issue guidelines shortly!!

First part is a refusal to provide the criteria for defining " body type", reply made 16/09/2019:
While the DVLA may hold the information you have asked for, the DVLA is considering
whether the information is exempt from disclosure under the following exemption:
Section 31 (1)(a) Information which is not exempt information by virtue of
section 30 is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or
would be likely to, prejudice (a) the prevention or detection of crime
That is, information may be exempt from disclosure if it falls within the category of
information that may prejudice the prevention or detection of crime.
In applying the above qualified exemption, the DVLA is required to consider the public
interest for disclosure against the public interest for withholding the information. As
provided for in section 17(2) of the Freedom of Information Act, the DVLA is continuing
to consider the public interest test for the above exemption and will let you know the
outcome no later than
14 October.
Second part:
Our Ref:
14 October 2019
Dear Mr Clarke
Freedom of Information Request
Thank you for your e-mail of 16 August, requesting information under the terms of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
You asked:
Please provide a list outlining the external features, required by the DVLA, in
order for a vehicle to qualify for V5C body type amendment to “Motor Caravan”
(note the internal features are clearly identified on the hyperlink provided above
so something similar would be appreciated
This information is not held by the DVLA.
Outside the provisions of the FOIA, it may be helpful to explain the Agency receives
many requests to change a vehicle’s body type to a motor caravan and these
vehicles can differ significantly in their shape and size and have various
distinguishing features. DVLA assesses applications on a case by case basis and
will consider all modifications made to the vehicle’s external appearance.
If the vehicle’s body type is not changed to motor caravan the vehicle can still be
used for this purpose (subject to the converter / vehicle keeper ensuring the
alterations made to the vehicle have not compromised the safety of the vehicle).
Existing guidance concerning conversion of a vehicle to a motorhome can be found
by clicking on the following link:
We are currently working to clarify the guidelines and search links on GOV.UK to assist
customers on actions to take regarding the conversion process. We hope to issue this
revised guidance shortly.
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DfT has produced guidance on the various speed limits on the gov.uk website (link
below), which includes advice on motor caravan
s: https://www.gov.uk/speed-limits
As you will see, a motor caravan that exceeds 3.05 tonnes unladen weight is
restricted to lower speeds than the national limits i.e. 70 mph on motorways; 60 mph
on dual carriageways; 50 mph on single-carriageways, unless locally marked. If you
draw a trailer (or trailers) of any type then lower limits apply. If your motor caravan
does not exceed 3.05 tonnes unladen weight, then it is not restricted to lower speeds
than the national limits. Motor caravans which carry goods or burden not directly
necessary for the purpose of living in the vehicle, would be classed as goods
vehicles and subject to current goods vehicle requirements for speed limits.
The vehicle record does not need to show a body type of “motor caravan” to be used
for this purpose, as long as any alterations made to these vehicles not compromise
the safety. A vehicle’s body type should not link to insurance cover or speeding
restrictions and is used purely to provide the police and other enforcement agencies
with a description of the vehicle in traffic.
The information which follows concerns the procedures for making any complaint you
might have about the reply. Please quote the reference number of this letter in any
future communications about it.
Link to webpage:
What are the criteria used in order to approve a change of Body type to Motor Caravan? - a Freedom of Information request to Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency