They list that kit for various vehicles and heaters Unlock SET - VW Sharan 7N - W-BUS diagnostic interface + dongle for Webasto and say that it can be used for flashing the firmware ( you need WTT program additionally though which I can send you ) - I think that when they say flash the firmware they are meaning uploading the new .PRN data file. Presumably others that are messing about with all this odis and others are doing the same but in a very convoluted way.
All that you need is 12v, ground and the W-bus connection to talk to the heater. ( you must use the same power and ground as the heater for fault-free connection) I really do not know why you would go through the van system to access it when it is so easy to connect directly to it.
Have you got the .PRN file that you want to upload to the heater?

I have attached a file with the Webasto WTT 2.16 in - just change the pdf back to exe after saving. Virus free!

Apologies - wrong version of 2.16, correct one now.:notworthy:


  • WTT-dongle-ignore216.pdf
    1.9 MB · Views: 83
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Just looked at the price of that dongle - it costs more than the genuine Webasto one which can cover 12v and 24v and use the latest software version 3. onwards for the latest heaters. That dongle is only good for 12v and I very much doubt that it can fool the latest software into thinking that it is a genuine dongle so cannot use the latest.
Many thanks. I will download 1st thing in the morning on my laptop.
I've not got the prn yet.

I only paid £30 off ebay for it. Id have no idea how to wire it so I can upload direct to the heater from a laptop which is why I thought this was what I needed.
I wired the telestart into the wbus so I'm assuming that's the heater one I need to wire to.
The blue usb storage device - has it got any files on it? I would expect it to have, maybe the .prn file that you need.
Yes - same wire. You can have several W-Bus devices on the same wire at a time as each device will have its own address so no need to remove the Telestart or anything.
Hi guys... i am keen to know how far you got with this set up.

Is the goal here to also have hot water running from the tap and shower?
Where are you based?
@stoem has done this recently. Maybe he would be willing to help you?

I'm near Market Harborough, not far from junction 20 on the M1.
Bit far I guess but happy to help.

Looks like you bought the kit from Poland, right? And it appears that they have sent you the Webasto software on a USB stick, correct?
Those guys also offer a remote unlock service
VW Transporter / Multivan T6 Webasto Heater Unlock online Service
Not exactly cheap though but considering how much time I spent to get ODIS working I would be tempted now LOL

You should be able to sell the Danhag interface when you're done.
So am I right in thinking I can link this to the green and white wire wbus under the passenger seat and program (change the file firmware so it is a parking heater/back to webasto firmware) from there? If WTT is free without additional costs that would be amazing please.

This is all I have been able to find for what I have. No english version available.

I'm German and can help you with this if needed.

The important bits (assuming you have a CD that shipped with it):

  • Schließen Sie den W-BUS Ausgang des Diagnoseinterface an den Diagose- oder W-BUS Eingang des Heizgerätes an.
  • Connect the W-BUS connection of the diagnostic interface to the diagnostic or W-BUS connection of the heater . (me: Green/white wire should do it)

  • Legen Sie die mitgelieferte CD ein.
  • Insert the supplied CD

  • Stecken Sie den mitgelieferten Dongle in einen freien USB-Port
  • Connect the dongle (blue USB stick I guess) to a free USB port

  • Starten Sie die Anwendung „Aufruestung“
  • Start the application „Aufruestung“ (it means something along the lines of 'Upgrade')

  • Folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm.
  • Follow the instructions on screen

Sounds like this allows you to do the heater firmware flashing.

Maybe other can comment on the coding part - this is what confused me when I did my upgrade, I didn't realise I needed the heater firmware AND coding (which seems to essentially tell the heater it is now connected to a remote Telestart).
And can I just say, I currently have to sit in my van for hours during my daughters' (yes, two) football training. Parents are not allowed to leave due to Covid.
This heater mod has been the best upgrade in a very long time :cool:
Hi guys... i am keen to know how far you got with this set up.

Is the goal here to also have hot water running from the tap and shower?

No - you need a Dual Top heater for that. It is a big heavy beast for trying to fit in a T6 though.
Many thanks guys. I will get on it on Thursday and update on how I get on. Hopefully its as straightforward as we think.
I will look on the USB and see if what files are there. I did indeed get a cd with it. However I do not have a cd drive. :) Hopefully WTT will work with it.
Run this set up first - same thing but change to zip, open and run setup. Then replace the WTT216.exe in the program files folder where it installed to with the dongle free exe that you have already downloaded. Create a shortcut to the new dongle free exe. You will be good to go then.
My computers have had so many WTT programs installed that all the bits that the program needs are already present.


  • WTT216_Setup.pdf
    3.1 MB · Views: 62
Still no luck but thank you oldiebut goodie.
I am downloading wtt 3.0 so will see if that works.
Don't bother - you need 2.16 as this is the only one that we have available that has engineering mode for the uploading and downloading of the datasets.

What is the problem with 2.16? Setup or something else?
Many thanks. I have downloaded 2.16.
It just would not allow me to run it and came up with errors, missing dll etc but thank you so much for trying for me. It might be my pc.
No installing as it runs from the folder. I will plug it all in tomorrow and fingers crossed I can get everything done and dusted.wtt.JPG
That is the first 2.16 without engineering mode ( there is no dataset menu )- now you need to replace the WTT2.16 exe in the program folder with the donglefree 2.16.exe.
This is what you should see:

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