What Have You Bought Today?

Pair of these after seeing it on here in another dangerous thread.....

Exactly what I’ve been looking for but they are all too deep to fit the body depth available between the C & D pillars. I don’t want to cut holes in my fixed cabinets.
Yea, your absolutely right, my current T6.1 has a few extras like splitter, black badges, side bars, etc but I`m going `clean` with this one, never really liked side bars or splitters to be honest and think the T6.1 looks super cool with just some nice wheels and a moderate drop (30-40mm) so that`s what I`m doing, mind you that could change...lol
I now have the T6Forum logo on my rear number plate, that's as funky as I've got! Wifey has a thing about Giraffes and would like a family of them on the outside of our kitchen pretend window. Over my lifeless corpse that will be! Far far far tooo expensive dear...etc...
I now have the T6Forum logo on my rear number plate, that's as funky as I've got! Wifey has a thing about Giraffes and would like a family of them on the outside of our kitchen pretend window. Over my lifeless corpse that will be! Far far far tooo expensive dear...etc...
Pictures. You know the rules.