What Have You Bought Today?

Yesterday my Jormax Windbreak draftskirt arrived to Dachshund proof future events.
A usb fan to help keep the dogs cool in the van - the A/C is great - but not sure it is getting to them enough.
I also purchased an AL-KO Soft Touch 38.1 Premium Hand Lawnmower - not to mow the area before erecting the windbreak - but to cut the paspalum stalks that the village green lawnmower just rolls over. Now I've retired I've taken on community service ;)
It's a custom built battery, cell by cell into the lower back cupboard with a 3000w inverter. I wanted to get to 1000, but cells don't match. So 820ah I wanted to be able to run nearly anything with no issues, just incase, plus it's going to act as a jump start ik emergency
What are you jump starting. Jumbo jets?