What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

Just need to reverse in and learn how to drive first then :p
Ha! I do reverse in, the drive slopes in towards the house, at this time of year rain would get under the solar panel, potentially freeze and damage the panel, I already have panel anxiety having had one die on me, and the new one is showing signs of delamination after 10 months!
Ha! I do reverse in, the drive slopes in towards the house, at this time of year rain would get under the solar panel, potentially freeze and damage the panel, I already have panel anxiety having had one die on me, and the new one is showing signs of delamination after 10 months!
Build two ramps to make it level?

Then you solve the splitter issue, the panel issue and have somewhere to work under one end of the van.
Build two ramps to make it level?

Then you solve the splitter issue, the panel issue and have somewhere to work under one end of the van.
If I were allowed to tarmac or block pave the drive that would solve my problem, but I have a wife! It will be 2 tons of gravel that somehow magically disappears every couple of years, where on earth (answered my own question) does it go? The fact the rear of the van is downhill is good, water can't settle under the panel (the rear of the panel has air gaps) and then freeze. I need to keep a gentle gradient to get my 2 wheel commute out of the garage, then gravity helps me reverse it back in after work! Sadly, the good lady doesn't want block paving, crete print or tarmac! I'm sure she takes a perverse pleasure in watching me picking weeds out of the gravel on an oh too regular basis in the growing season! She earns more than me now, so she wears the trousers!
When I had a splitter I had perpetual grief, we live in an area of sleeping policemen and single lane traffic calming measures, I really don't miss it!
On a positive note, when Grandad YamYam (very black country step father in law) popped off a couple of years ago, I inherited his heavy duty vehicle ramps (potentially built for a chieftain tank) which enables me to access the underside of my van at my pleasure. He also left me his retirement Rolex (cheapest model available at the time), which i don't wear since the advent of mobile phones!
My apologies, the Rioja, and i dont mean John, has kicked in... end of chat!
Let's have the tips then. About to fit mine at the weekend and I don't have lady hands!! Those holes look awfully small to me!!
You're lucky you have cat flaps! Startlines don't have them! I turned my wheel to full lock and peeled back the arch liner, having removed 4 torx screws and a push clip, the liner tucked behind the tyre to make access easier. With cat flaps it could be easier? 2 clips to remove the connection from the bulb first, then a small clockwise turn to release the bulb, change the bulb, bulb back in, noting where the 'prongs' of the bulb go, reattach the connection, close the cat flap. Jobsagoodun! I reckon I could happily do it for you, but the cat flap will make things considribbly easier, I would think..? I'm sure you could probably do it the Startline way which potentially does give you more access. Torx bit required!
Sat in it and contemplated life, and whether to remove the solar panel on the roof of the van.

Since installing the Fogstar Drift and Renogy DC-DC I am not seeing a huge amount of drain which is great - only running a Tapo cctv camera, Wi-Fi hotspot and some usb sockets. Even after sitting for 3 days over weekend it is still registering 98% full and only takes a 15 min drive to work to top it back up. My amp and DSP is connected but only used when ignition live is present and engine running so Renogy is putting back what it is using on the commute.

Night and day improvement over the Ecoflow Delta Mini.

Don't currently have an MPPT and can’t use the Renogy as panel Voc is too high, so it is currently just sitting on the roof unconnected to anyfink.

Seems like for my minimal power requirements having solar as well as DC-DC is pointless.
just get a victron 75/15 and add it to your setup.

Where did you get the white plastic things where the speakers fit into?
any pics of the progress?
sorry I missed your post here is a link to the ones I purchased on eBay and adapted with a dermal to fit
pods on eBay

unfortunately I didn't take many pictures of the build