Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

@True Romance. We didn't see masses of UK vehicles down in Brittany but that might have been where we were (ie. Ile d'Oleron where English is not widely spoken compared to say the supposedly 'more glamorous' I'le de Re) but there were more around in Normandy and Calais. As to prices, if I'm honest, its not something that I pay a lot of attention to but IMHO, France has always been a bit cheaper than UK for the day to day stuff and I get the sense that it's still the case, albeit they're not insulated completely from the current cost of living issues (as I reported elsewhere on here, diesel was around £1.86 per litre on Thursday in Calais). Also, they don't seem to be suffering from the ongoing shortages of a lot of stuff that I regularly find is missing during my usual weekly shop - Kleenex tissues and cartons of orange juice are just 2 examples where they haven't been on the shelf of my local Waitrose for what seems like months now (middle class problems, I know but...). Supply problems due to Covid are supposedly to blame but that excuse really is getting a bit tired now. IMHO, it's all down to Brexit. That and maybe crap supply chain management.
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We were due to do a 7 hour drive to L’Escala tomorrow but I decided to book a last minute site half way between where we were and there. We are now at a site called Maestrat Park near Vineros in what seems like the middle of nowhere. It is deathly quiet but I believe it has static homes too although not seen that many folk. The old guy in the caravan (drag along sort, not static) next to us has been here for 2 years and as we pulled into our plot a lady next door to us was, as my wife put it, "washing her tits". I missed it, lol. It has a restaurant/bar that is supposed to be OK, which we will be trying shortly and a nice pool. Not bad for €20 for the night and the wifi is decent.

The pitches are all gravel and as we are are only here for the night, we won't bother with the awning. I wished we'd bought the Debus awning with us too on this trip. Our outdoor revolution is bit too big as well for what we have done. I can see a smaller air awning being purchased before too long. The poled ones like ours are a PITA.

52172511844_d7dbfb3e43_c.jpgMaestrat 2 by Nigel G, on Flickr

With a €2 bottle of Lidl Tinto de Verano.

52171241102_b732c2fd25_c.jpgMaestrat by Nigel G, on Flickr

52172269728_d089b7275d_c.jpgMaestrat pool by Nigel G, on Flickr
I'm not going to withdraw it but I do apologise for the mention of Brexit in my previous post as it seems to have caused a severe bout of handbags at dawn between various T6Fers who are usually nothing but helpful and friendly (since edited out by the mods). Going back to the original question about prices in France, I've just remembered that I also picked up a couple of bottles of Tanqueray 43.1% proof gin for 15.49 euros each which is a bit of a bargain if you like that sort of thing.
@True Romance. We didn't see masses of UK vehicles down in Brittany but that might have been where we were (ie. Ile d'Oleron where English is not widely spoken compared to say the supposedly 'more glamorous' I'le de Re) but there were more around in Normandy and Calais. As to prices, if I'm honest, its not something that I pay a lot of attention to but IMHO, France has always been a bit cheaper than UK for the day to day stuff and I get the sense that it's still the case, albeit they're not insulated completely from the current cost of living issues (as I reported elsewhere on here, diesel was around £1.86 per litre on Thursday in Calais). Also, they don't seem to be suffering from the ongoing shortages of a lot of stuff that I regularly find is missing during my usual weekly shop - Kleenex tissues and cartons of orange juice are just 2 examples where they haven't been on the shelf of my local Waitrose for what seems like months now (middle class problems, I know but...). Supply problems due to Covid are supposedly to blame but that excuse really is getting a bit tired now. IMHO, it's all down to Brexit being the gift that just keeps giving you even more kicks upon the 4rse (but that's getting political and we're not supposed to do that on here). That and maybe crap supply chain management.
These islands are off the vendee aren’t they, not Brittany?
I'm not going to withdraw it but I do apologise for the mention of Brexit in my previous post as it seems to have caused a severe bout of handbags at dawn between various T6Fers who are usually nothing but helpful and friendly (since edited out by the mods). Going back to the original question about prices in France, I've just remembered that I also picked up a couple of bottles of Tanqueray 43.1% proof gin for 15.49 euros each which is a bit of a bargain if you like that sort of thing.
No handbags - I just pointed out your error in judgement :p and was duly rounded upon by the opinion-masquerading-as-fact brigade. All water off a duck's back for a bigoted, racist, unintelligent, uneducated knuckle-dragger who has the temerity to have a dissenting opinion.:waving:
No handbags - I just pointed out your error in judgement :p and was duly rounded upon by the opinion-masquerading-as-fact brigade. All water off a duck's back for a bigoted, racist, unintelligent, uneducated knuckle-dragger who has the temerity to have a dissenting opinion.:waving:
My quip was also deleted - I put it down to collateral damage!!!

Nowt wrong with knuckle-dragging though!
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Well despite several attempts and being next to what I'd call a prime retail spot with still clear water, plenty of fish, lots of over hanging branches yet there was still no kingfisher to be seen. :confused:
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