470 odd KM today (1800km total!) through the VERY wet Pyrenees - I was right to skip mountain biking at Ainsa, the rain was very heavy at times driving in the mountains.
This was last night's stopover in Panticosa:
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I'm now on the Catalonia coast in Sant Feliu de Guixols, at
Càmping Sant Pol Yelloh! Village Sant Pol - which is about 800m from the beach! There's beginning to be a theme here...
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First shower of the trip today

- it's nice to have full (impeccably clean) facilities, I'm here for 3 nights so 2 full days (Sat and Sun), 33 euros a night but that's with a pool, hookup, etc so not bad at all. It's meant to rain on Monday so I'll take a drive somewhere, then see what the weather is doing on Tuesday and beyond (it's looking very good), there's a few more places just up the coast I'd like to see.
I'm not even a week in to the trip yet!