Hello everyone, I'm Paolo, from Milan (Italy).
It's been a while since I subscribed to this forum, and I have learned a lot, so I think it's time to give some information to y'all.
We're not all going to die! But avoid places with many people, including campsites and prefer wild lands.
You shouldn't underestimate the Coronavirus. The biggest problem for us is the limited numbers of spaces for people in intensive care, where you get intubated for some days. If too many people get sick in the same time, somebody isn't going to get proper medication, and the possibility of death grows. The "Mass immunity" is right, but must be addressed for a longer time than what Covid-19 grants. I don't know the level of National Healt sistem in England, but here in Lombardy, despite being of a good standard, we're starting to have many problems. The Coronavirus hits young people too: despite the good survival rates, this virus is could to give you permanent issues to your lungs, that you're going to carry along for your entire life. Therefore, don't drastically change your lifestyle but avoid as much as possible any type of direct contact with people (hoping that all members of your family are healthy), disinfects your hands regurarly, wear the mask and use your time to calmly work on your van.
The time to travel will come again!
Good luck everyone.
See You on the Road