907 gas refill cost

Is it safe to run a gas heater like that inside ie open flame
Personally I've always been paranoid about carbon monoxide
But I could be totally wrong
we only use these OUTSIDE, in the gazebo.

or in the front Tent porch area.

they are good radiant heaters, we dont use them inside the van if thats what you mean.
back on the 907 gas bottle. . .

we used this HeaterBuddy gas heater at Silverstone last week.

they work great.

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but the Propane gas bottles are expensive, . . .

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so we got the converter adapter and uses these C500 cans instead.

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  • 'Comes with adapter for butane and propane cartridges with EN 417 thread (7/16 x 28 UNEF)

the question is. . . . what do i need to get this running off a 907 gas bottle. . . . . ?

looks like this is one option,

to go from 907 reg + QR hose,

to this QR to (1"/20 male disposable 1lb propane connector) adapter




another option,

seems to be to get a Propane refill hose set. ( and refill the 1LB bottles)

though its tricky . .

looking for a 27mm propane UK clip on connector,

prob a w20 hose,

then the tricky bit,

the 1/20 1lb colaman propane connector,

with a check valve or at least a screw valve.

been looking for an hour. . . .
i have a question for you very clever Gas knowledgeable people. . .

we have one of these from Costco from the other month,

Not so much a gas issue more a physics issue.

Your problem isn't the regulator or the gas mix, it's the size of the cylinder.

Whenever you use a liquified gas it needs to turn from a liquid into a gas - and that takes energy exactly the same as when you boil a kettle and the water turns from liquid into steam.

Now in a gas cylinder it's doing that because you are releasing the pressure that's physically forcing the atoms in the gas together back into a liquid - but when the liquid vaporises it still needs energy and it will take that from the environment. Hence why all gas bottles chill themselves.

The smaller the bottle you use the less thermal mass it has so if you use the gas at a great rate the remaining liquid gas will chill itself down a lot and with much less heat energy the rate of vaporisation will drop even if the pressure is "right"

In your case the issue is the burner is using gas at too great a rate for a 907 cylinder so it's getting too cold. It's why it says to run them off the much bigger 9-13kg cylinders.
Sorry about the delay I've been on a Scottish tour along the solway.
But i agree you need a bigger volume to run them gas guzzlers lol
If you have the room for a 13 or 19 kg bottle you could set up to run the 2 at the same time. Using the fittings in the photo.
Ps the splitter is oxygen you would need a red left hand propane splitter.
This 19 kg cost £37 refill (Cash only wink wink )from the local roofing supplier.

On our last trip, our 907 canister ran dry, so swapped it for the spare. We don't plan to do any more trips now until the weather starts to warm up next year. Question is: do I go and trade my empty cylinder now for a full one or should I wait till we start using the van again before getting a replacement?
Swapping cylinders now gets me one at this year's price, but is it likely to lose any pressure while stored over winter? Waiting till next spring will give me a fresh one, but at whatever price they will be charging then.
On our last trip, our 907 canister ran dry, so swapped it for the spare. We don't plan to do any more trips now until the weather starts to warm up next year. Question is: do I go and trade my empty cylinder now for a full one or should I wait till we start using the van again before getting a replacement?
Swapping cylinders now gets me one at this year's price, but is it likely to lose any pressure while stored over winter? Waiting till next spring will give me a fresh one, but at whatever price they will be charging then.
Unless faulty it isn't going to lose any gas. If you are bothered, make sure the screw in carrying plug is fitted.
Is that on gas as well? Seem to recall the Camping Club discount doesn't cover gas.
Yes they also price match and beat that by 10% as well. I bought a 904 there last week for just over £50.

The price match facility they have is epic
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Write you clever people.

I have a few of these 5 kg 27 mm lightweight flow gas bottles. I believe it's the standard 27mm red regulator barbecue gas patio gas etc etc etc.

It's about 35 pound for a 5 kg refill yet it's only 45 / 49 for a 10 kilogram refill.

And yes I do have a 10 kg bottle as well.

So going from the above and all of this refill malarkey.

What do I need to safely refill the smaller bottle from the larger bottle so basically I can split one larger bottle into two smaller bottles which you make 25 pound refill so cheaper that's what I'm thinking anyway.

What do I need ?

And I'm thinking it might be safer to go from that company BSE instead of the eBay places.



Yep got the website but what do I need?