Heads Up on fitting these !! If you want to keep the full range of height and for/aft adjustment on the OEM seat, you will have to trim a fair chunk of the bottom edges on the lower side plastic trims (both sides of each chair) and a section deeper where the adjuster handle sits. You will be able to mark it on the up/down & for/aft positions to see how much to take off.

the install guide calls for 30mm to be trimmed off all the seat plastics.

and apparently the drivers side comes with a replacement soft handbrake cover.

no opened the boxes yet. . . and the van is off Britstopping this weekend without me. . . :(
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Is this not the same for all non-OEM swivel bases, or are there options that don’t require trimming?

Personally, I’ve never trimmed mine, as I keep the seat height raised using the built-in height adjuster. This provides enough clearance for normal swivel operation and is also the most comfortable position for my height. I’m using Sportscraft swivels.
The RIB V2 swivels come with two spacer blocks that raise the drivers seat a bit, so you don't need to adjust the hand break in any way..

however, when the seat is fully down the seat will contact the swivel bracket.

from experience, its best to raise the seat fully, then rotate, then lower if needed. . . . i didn't trim my seat plastics, and now they are hanging off the seat with damaged retaining clips.

totally my own fault. . . deciding it was a good idea to setup the van - after dinner & Beers and not before - OOPs.


from my research the best swivels are:

#1 - VW OEM
#2/#3 - Sportscraft / RIB ( not sure what's better as I've not had the SC ones to test)
#4 - the others,

i had the KIRAVANS own version, they were terrible and got sent back, ( swapped for the RIB v2)

the rustylee ones a bad rep for the wobbles,
selling the rear Kombi 1+1+1 setup.

what trim is this on the seats?



weve always had these seat covers on, so i have no idea. . .

these were all fitted by the previous owner.

Now things are progressing....

I've done a deal with @bp_porcaro for the kombi system, he's going to fit that in his van.... That leaves me space for the kitchen and RIB bed.

That leaves the OVANO XL now also available. (When removed after the pop-top install)

Anyone interested in it before I put it on the market?..... PM me if your interested.
hello, I'm currently comparing the Vanmax roof against the Stealth B2 because I really like the aesthetics of these slim roofs but I've been reading that they might cause a headroom problem if you have the RIB bed because they sit high. Have you sat on a RIB in a van with the Vanmax?
hello, I'm currently comparing the Vanmax roof against the Stealth B2 because I really like the aesthetics of these slim roofs but I've been reading that they might cause a headroom problem if you have the RIB bed because they sit high. Have you sat on a RIB in a van with the Vanmax?
I've sat in @Bigsidavies who has the vanmax. But can't remember what seat he has?

The head high depend on a few factors...

Slider rails make the seat higher.
Floor thickness.
Bed height.
A person's height.

I'll ask the installer by how much the roof drops inside the van.

And if I remember I'll take some measurements from the floor to the current roof panels, and the floor to the bed board when it's fitted.
@Dellmassive what Poptop is that you having fitted? It looks great, I’m pondering getting one fitted and was thinking skyline as they have a place local to me but now I’ve seen yours you getting fitted it just looks much neater so any info on it would be appreciated
Testing the Heater in the van - Loved it.

it makes such a difference when its cold and wet outside.


View attachment 275092View attachment 275095
View attachment 275093View attachment 275096

View attachment 275099

monitoring the Temps on the Shelly APP. . . a BT temp sensor stuck on the wall.

View attachment 275097

and the Victron VRM - a RUUVI temp sensor stuck to the LB.

View attachment 275098

Chilly one today. . . some more testing. . .

it was -4C ouside overnight, and the other half is off to work in an hour, so i set the heater to full power mode for a 2hr timer.

starting with this, -4c inside, -2c outside,


30mins later, i had a quick test with with the thermals,

the outside ground temp is 2c,


the step vent inlet temp is around 4c,


the heater outlet temp is 62c,


which looks like this on the thermal cam,


the internal temps have started to rise, now showing +3c inside - the temp sensor is mounted at head height in the rear quarter of the van, so there is a lot of van to warm before that sensor.


ill EDIT and add the 60mins temps. . . . .


RIB V3 seat base swivel plates.

new RIB swivles have arrived. . . .

these call for 30mm to be trimmed from both side plastics on both seats. . . so seat out.


used masking tape, tape measure and a pencil to se the 30mm,


and used the grinder to whip it off, then finish the edge with some emery cloth. . .


the RIB bases are super beefcake. . . . the V3 kit needs the handbreak lowering


once the seat was trimmed it was just a case of bolting it in. . .


thats the passenger side done. . .


the drivers seat base it a bit more busy. . .


so, same again with the seat. . .


seat trimmed it was time to look at the handbrake . . . . the kit comes with the faux leather cover, and a bracket.

there wasn't much to go on, but it looked like you had to remove the OEM plastic housing, fit the lowering bracket, then use the supplied soft cover.


I'm not so sure on the overall look as the metal bracket is now on show? - i need to work out what to do with that later.



moving on, next up was to fit the plate to seat . . .


the bolt onto the seat base using the supplied spacer blocks. . .


seats back in and a quick test. . . we are all good.

started to get dark, so ill drop some pics later.


if you want the RIB V2 set, see here:

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You may have found answers to all these things between the post I read and this one, so apologies if so, but I noticed you weighing up some similar things to us on the new conversion we are having done and I think were missing some options.

Sliding bed - We are going with Mobiframe. More flexibility in where the seat is set vs the Reimo - every 15mm i think. I believe the seats are a little lower - we asked about head height with the reimo roof and we were told that the owner is 6’2 and it’s comfortable for him. Also comes in a 120cm which it sounds like you are erring towards (same as us). We are coming from a 129 RIB in current van and the compromise on storage is too high, but no way we could go down to a 112! Mobiframe also has some neat options for the rails - bike racks being one, but they also sell the kit to create your own to slot in, so we are having some other custom things made that will fit in when we need them - eg portapotti for off grid.

Fridge compromise - we had same dilemma with the 120cm bed and liking the straight cabinet layout, but solution is a top loading fridge. Compromise is the Vitrifrigo top loader that fits is only 20l, but we’ve decided to go with that and use a portable 2 zone fridge to supplement it when we need more, as for weekends, festivals etc its fine for the basics. As we are going with LPS and solar, we will have plenty of power to run both (and my guess is power wont be an issue for you either!). Interestingly Knights did say there is a conventional fridge option for the 120 bed as well but not sure what it is. I can ask if you like? Also note that the Mobiframe seat comes with an option to add a drawer fridge underneath instead of a storage drawer. We were tempted (still may be) but the storage drawer option is probably what we will go for as i think we can cope on most trips without it and I am not sure i want a fridge chugging away underneath the bed!

Swivel bases - I know you’ve solved this now, but as I have also just been doing down this rabbit hole, I dont think you mentioned this option, which was recommended to me by the guy who is also supplying brackets to allow other seats from the MQB platform to be fitted. They solve the handbrake issue with a bracket, are 30mm lower to counteract the extra swivel height, and the option of a safe is quite neat as well. IF anyone has experience of them good or bad would be good to know.

Anyway hope it helps someone!
...we were told that the owner is 6’2 and it’s comfortable for him
This is just a general observation and not aimed at you @borat, but be wary of such comments as they can be misleading. My son and I are the same height (give or take a few mm), but he's got a long torso and relatively short legs (a trait of my wife's family) and my proportions are t'other way round. Consequently, the headroom I need to feel comfortable is significantly less than the headroom he requires.
This is just a general observation and not aimed at you @borat, but be wary of such comments as they can be misleading. My son and I are the same height (give or take a few mm), but he's got a long torso and relatively short legs (a trait of my wife's family) and my proportions are t'other way round. Consequently, the headroom I need to feel comfortable is significantly less than the headroom he requires.
Yep fair comment