Hillside Birchover

Nice one!
And I doff my cap to you for having the fortitude to see it through. I’m in a similar situation in that I don’t fully understand all that much about electrics, and some threads leave me baffled. I wouldn’t have the spheroids to do that myself.
Nice one!
And I doff my cap to you for having the fortitude to see it through. I’m in a similar situation in that I don’t fully understand all that much about electrics, and some threads leave me baffled. I wouldn’t have the spheroids to do that myself.
Empowered by THIS forum and its tacit expertise!!

Just a quick query I hope.

Solar install was all good. Piggy backed spades as per @EAN kind advice.

Went back to tidy wires and install an inline fuse as panel supplier advised (15 between panel and controller).

Now getting erratic numbers jumping around.

I’ve checked all connectors and seems fine.

The panel IS charging leisure.

Do I need to be worried? Is this normal behaviour for Victron 75/15.

Only thing I have changed is fuse. Do I just cut that out of loop again as part of problem solving? Perhaps I didn’t notice the jumping around prior?!

Supplier of panels has suggested the numbers do look erratic and to check connections.

Can’t seemingly upload video to this platform from iPhone?
@Chris1983 It sounds like it could be a connection issue. If all was ok before then that’s most likely.
When you say numbers look erratic, what numbers are you referring to?
The fuse shouldn’t be an issue between the panel and the controller, but I suppose it could be that it has a poor connection which could even be in the fuse holder itself, if it’s poor quality.
Can you put the wiring back to how it was (pre fuse) easily enough to rule it out?
Double check each connection as you go.
Thank you.

I disconnected battery to install.

If I disconnect Solar can I check (touch) connections etc without disconnecting? Or will I die hahha
Looks to me that your battery is charged up, so hardly any current is flowing into it.
The voltage that is fluctuating is at the solar panel and will be dependant upon the sun and the current won’t be taken unless there’s somewhere for it to go.
Not sure you’ve even got a problem to be honest.
This is what I want to hear!

The fluctuations literally is almost two number changes a second.

Is it worth me running the battery down with hab lights etc and see if when power has somewhere to go it all settles?

It is monsoon here so maybe not the right day.

Anyone know what the deal with uploading videos is? I could then show more easily?
I have a victron solar charge controller and it is specific iro the order the solar panel and the batteries are connected or disconnected. For connection has to be bat 1 then bat 2 then solar panel the reverse to disconnect. If I switch off bat 2 whilst the solar panel is still connected the controller doesn’t like it and after a short period the display values are all over the place. Resolved by disconnecting the solar panel . So may be disconnecting battery with solar panel still on would cause a problem.
Ran everything to run leisure down (got to 83%). Voltage number still hopping around on Victron app.

Also I note consumption at 0, compared to previous days when pre installing fuse?!

Is this relevant?79089ED5-44CC-436D-A45F-48BF342742FC.png
Battery should be connected before panels.
pull the solar panel fuse, look at all the readings, wait a couple of mins, reinsert it to mimic the correct order of connection.
What happens?
Battery should be connected before panels.
pull the solar panel fuse, look at all the readings, wait a couple of mins, reinsert it to mimic the correct order of connection.
What happens?
Pulled fuse
I’ve swapped 15 fuse for another and same behaviours. Numbers all over show.

Do presume it’s this fuse connector maybe?!