This thread makes my buttocks clench when I hit “Post Reply”! It’s like having my homework corrected at school!I also meant to congratulate Jlo on what might just be the fastest growing topic that I've seen in my time on T6F. Well done that man.
I have absolutely no idea!I've just thought of another and it seems to be only on this forum.
Why put a ♂︎ symbol at the end of a sentence.
Me neither.I have absolutely no idea!
Would you like shorter sentences or some words explained?
It's a character set translation issue. I think its an emoji that is getting mis-translated, if I can find out with an OP actually put, we might be able to put in an auto-translate to swap it out.I've just thought of another and it seems to be only on this forum.
Why put a ♂︎ symbol at the end of a sentence.
It's a character set translation issue. I think its an emoji that is getting mis-translated, if I can find out with an OP actually put, we might be able to put in an auto-translate to swap it out.
What is “epllipses” and shouldn’t that be “an” not “as”?As epllipses consists of three dots.That goes for you too @Jlo
^^^ this'Pacific' when they mean 'Specific' really grinds my gears.
What is “epllipses” and shouldn’t that be “an” not “as”?
Oh yeah. It's not as if the S key is anywhere near the N either. I was too concerned in editing ' ellipsis' and even got that wrong. It's a good job none of you know who I am, so I can skulk off in shame, never to be seen again.
"none of you know who I am" didn't you have a red Mk6?
By the end of his visit, Uncle David thought it safer to take an ambulance back to LHR!Don't start me on Americanisms...
We have family in Texas and Unkle David comes out with some corkers:
We picked them up from Heathrow one year and driving along the M4 he's looking out of the window and suddenly says, "Sluff, who lives in a place called Sluff?" to which I reply, "It's not Sluff is Slough!, Slough as in Plough" he looks puzzled and says, "that nothing like Plough" he says, "How do you spell Plough?" "P L O W"
Then in a restaurant one evening, Mrs Loz has dressed up for a change, gets up from the table and walks past David who proclaims, "Hey honey, your fanny looks great in that!". Mother-in-law spits out her rosé, red faces from the English party and then followed a session of what words mean different things across the pond. (fanny being backside in the US)
Whilst out walking in their garden Mrs Loz gets a bite on her calf, David turns around and says, "Pull yer pants down honey, lets get a look"