Thanks.Looking better. Personally I wired the AMT differently and just went direct to the Orion as per the instructions. Less cable and connections. You could certainly do that with the neg to save routing that to the chassis.
You don’t need the fused cable for the ip65 now as the one you have fitted is fused via the busbar - maybe save it for use on other vehicles.
Make sure you have the little crossover bar from mega to the midis on the correct end - the end the cable from the isolator comes in.
I had the wires from the AMT going directly into the Orion originally but the black plastic cover didn’t like the extra wires being there and didn’t close right so I changed it. The earth will go to the earth busbar. It’s arriving soon.
I’ve ordered that fused charger wire and will probably use it for the extra length so it’s easier to plug it in.
And bar in fused busbar is in correct position.
My smart shunt has arrived. I’m not delighted about all the wires tied together but they have special pins on one end and the fuse on the other so I couldn’t trim them down.
The earth cables are incomplete until I get the earth busbar.
The big earth cable top right goes to the LB and the other one at the other side will go to the chassis.