is yours a smart shunt712?
is see the DVCC has a very specific requirement list for it to work . . .
are you sure its actually working?
Victron are implying CAN coms with one of there battery's . . . .
so for it to work with ROAMER it takes data from the BMV712 or smart battery sense?
3) DC Loads may not be accounted for, unless a SmartShunt or BMV-712 is installed and correctly configured as a
DC meter.
8.4.2. Limit managed battery charge voltage
Some batteries (like BYD and Pylontech) that come from the factory will take some time to settle in, and you may need to run them at a
lower voltage for the first two weeks or so to help them balance.
This is what Limit managed battery charge voltage is designed for. Enabling this makes it possible to lower the maximum charge voltage until cells have balanced.
Do not use it for any other purpose as it may have unwanted side effects, for example, balancing can fail or not start at all if the charge voltage is set too low, causing the battery cells to become severely imbalanced over time. It is also not possible to set the value above the charge voltage limit (CVL) sent by the battery.