Search, Search, Search!

You can rant as much as like, as is your prerogative. Sorry that you don’t like the “have you used the search function” question, however it is valid for a subject such as that relating to spacers.
The simple fact being is that this forum is absolutely full of people starting new threads, asking questions that have been asked and answered multiple times before. This then makes it harder to search for the key information as it could be in so many places.
I would suggest that all of the people starting those threads are equally adults, but I supppose it is possible that persons who have not yet attained the age of 18 could own a Transporter and be a member. But the evidence shows that other adults start threads when the answer exists elsewhere here, they just can’t be bothered to look.
As has been suggested above, if you’ve searched as best you are able then it would always be worth defining that in your post, when it is such a common subject. That way folk won’t ask if you’ve looked, and you won’t get the hump about being asked.:thumbsup:
Hope you get the answers you want.

Ps don’t call me a nitwit! I have not called you any derogative names, so have the decency to keep it polite.
Sorry but only 5/10 from me for the rant. Too long, spelling is all correct, punctuation is pretty good, not enough swear words, and not effective use of capitalisation
Remember that you can use Google to search a specific site, it often turns up results that internal searches miss.
Say you're a Hillside customer and you want to search the forum for the word 'Birchover'.
All you do is to type the following into the Google search field:


So the format is the text you're looking for, followed by " site:" and the url or domain of the site you're searching.

At least when the same question gets asked repeatedly, the answer gets updated. Technology changes & moves on. If people just looked at old threads, the answer may not be the most up to date.
Like the top article in the FAQs
Searching the Forum
Sorry Loz, as a Google fan and happy with searches I confess I never even looked at your link,
so it seems I just repeated what you'd already said - sorry!

No, scratch that - I've come up with an excuse. In fact did it to demonstrate why you should search first before posting. Ahem.

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