Show Us Your T5.1 Then

THQ had a set very similar to those for sale recently on their whats app group... custom colour?
I've never been one for coloured wheels never strayed from the black silver bronze and anthracite standard colours but I think she's pulling it off.
Cool how they look 1 colour from one angle and another colour from the opposite!
Meet Baxter, my 2011 T5.1 Caravelle Exec, complete with underfloor lift and 6 Way Seat.
He’s my pride and joy and has made getting out and about so much easier again.

I’ve always been a petrol head, had nothing but VDubs or BMWs and after I was paralyzed my first car back on the road was a DSG Mk5 golf with hand controls where I did what most folk with spinal cord injury do, that is pull up to the side of the car, transfer in, dismantle my chair & put it on the passenger seat/in the back before driving away like anyone else.

Fast forward 14 years and a big blood clot at the top of my arm later and it just became far far too hard to do that on the regular, which meant I limited my trips based on how many transfers I’d have to do.

Baxter’s lift changed all that and the fact he’s a VDub means it’s an entirely familiar place to be and doesn’t feel “disabled” (I’m sure some folk will know what I mean by that!)

The motability scheme was no help to me at all for getting a WAV (it was a transit tourneo connect or nothing) so finding one I could afford was a mission but eventually this one with only 38k on the clock came along and the rest is history.

If I’d had my choice of colour it’d be Blue, if I’d had my choice of exterior bits and bobs he’d be on air suspension with the baddest body kit and allloys around. But hey given the handcontrols are £700ish priorities change eh.

Thankfully I got lots of good info from other folk with SCI and I’ll make a post about how I retrofitted the 6 Way Seat without having to resort to the expensive and often finnerky electronic handbrake conversion.

Anyways, thanks for the welcome and hello to all.
