T6.1 Reduce oil level and Oil dilution

If your idle speed is 1000 rpm and start stop doesn't activate that's a pretty good indicator of a regen....
I don't disagree with what you are saying. I doubt however much lobbying was done it wouldn't have been successful.
I would have thought, just a light on when doing a regen so you know not to stop would solve the issue. I also don't understand if it was so simple why lots of manufacturers are having the same issues, not just VW. I just try to look at the rev counter before switching off to see if its mid regen or not and dont switch off if it is, I try to drive a bit further if it is possible.
I believe that someone on here has retrofitted a light to indicate regen in process.
I have never seen or heard of a Transporter with that button. Never seen it mentioned anywhere before, which is strange, and make me doubt the dealer.
I had the same issues with oil overfill warnings. I was contacted by my dealership as they had also received remote notification of my 'in van' warning appearing, via the internet link from the van (2022 T6.1 Hillside T30 Auto)

I was near to the service interval and so had the oil and filter changed, basically a service a bit earlier than scheduled at 6000 miles, exactly. At least it gave me the peace of mind that I was not running on heavily diluted oil. I had done the usual web trawling to find out as much info as possible and it seemed reasonable that a contributory factor was 'oil expansion'..... Frothing, perhaps? This does not discount the oil dilution with diesel fuel but as stated, may be a contributing factor? I generally cover a ratio of about 70% shorter journeys. I have never noted a regeneration taking place!..... No smell, no higher revs at standstill etc.

From what I had read via the internet and subsequent to discussion with the service centre, we agreed to fill just a halfway up the hashed area of the dipstick (and for me to carry a litre of oil) seemed to take into account the possible expansion issue. (It is most likely worth a mention that the dash overfill warning will clear after the bonnet has been opened..... clear until about a hundred miles has passed and it will trigger once again if the sensor has not reset).

A bit later and after the service as above, I went on a 100 mile trip and the overfill warning appeared yet again..... bear in mind this is a couple of days after the service. Back I went to my service centre and the Master Tech, in consultation with VW, drained the oil completely, switched on the ignition for a half hour, then refilled the oil. This has appeared until now to have reset the oil level warning.... I have not checked the oil as yet (opened the bonnet) because I don't want to reset the overfill warning, delaying another dash warning.

I have covered a few miles with one journey of about 70 miles and have not seen the overfill dash warning yet. Keeping fingers crossed!

The possibility of fuel in the oil does not sit nicely with me.... I will be checking the oil regularly in future, in both hot and cold engine states. my Master Tech at the service centre tells me that it is not a problem as the van engine sensors will advise of a need for (early) oil change if and when it may be needed?

All I can do is keep an eye on things, as time progresses.
I think this explains what might be going on here....
That video is certainly worth watching (again). But it's his second video (linked at the end of the first) relating to oil expansion which I think is more relevant, certainly in many cases. The importance of filling the oil to halfway on the crosshatch section of the dipstick. I have had no issues since an oil change and a lower oil level.
El problema es, y no es solo VW, que si detienes el motor a mitad de regeneración, eso deja parte del combustible diesel en los cilindros. Esto se inyecta durante una regeneración para que el combustible no usado entre en el dpf y queme el hollín acumulado.
El problema al detener la regeneración media es que el exceso de combustible en los cilindros pasa por el pistón y entra en el aceite.
No existe una solución real disponible para esto. Realmente es culpa de las regulaciones de emisiones y no de VW y los otros fabricantes.
Yo instalé un dispositivo que me avisa cuando está regenerando y así no para y darle caña a la furgoneta , el dispositivo se apaga una vez terminada la regeneracion. Desde que lo tengo no me he saltado ninguna regeneracion y aún así me sigue saliendo el fallo, luego miro el nivel de aceite y está correcto.
Yo instalé un dispositivo que me avisa cuando está regenerando y así no para y darle caña a la furgoneta , el dispositivo se apaga una vez terminada la regeneracion. Desde que lo tengo no me he saltado ninguna regeneracion y aún así me sigue saliendo el fallo, luego miro el nivel de aceite y está correcto.
@totitxu, This is what I was told by my dealership when the overfill warning appeared after a service oil and filter change that did not recalibrate the dash overfill warning.

In order to recalibrate the Overfill Sensor my VW service team were instructed by VW Technical Support to drain the oil completely, turn on the ignition for a half hour, with bonnet open. Refill the sump to a level halfway up the hashed area of the dipstick. It seems to have worked so far.

If you want to be certain that your oil and filter are not contaminated/diluted with diesel fuel, I suggest you change both for new.
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The problem happens every 4 months so I’d need 3 oil changes a year at £200 plus an oil change and in between those I’ve have oil dilution and increased engine wear…sounds great for a £50k van

There’s other issue like I’m going to Germany this summer for the football and will do 5000 miles but they can’t/wont answer how many miles I can do if the warning light comes on.

With the warranty and roadside assist now expired they are basically trying avoid any responsibility after spending the last 2.5 years not fixing the problem.

I think the reality is that the problem is too costly to fix on this production run of vehicles and they want to avoid that cost
Oh geeze this is nuts. How is this possible? How are VW able to just walk away from this issue. All the years of driving around Europe with not a care in the world, and now we have CAZ and clean zones etc and engines that are eating themselves that you cant even drive safely over a few 100 k's. Is this an issue across all the engines of this age of van?
Yo instalé un dispositivo que me avisa cuando está regenerando y así no para y darle caña a la furgoneta , el dispositivo se apaga una vez terminada la regeneracion. Desde que lo tengo no me he saltado ninguna regeneracion y aún así me sigue saliendo el fallo, luego miro el nivel de aceite y está correcto.
I am not sure why you are still getting the error.

How did you install a device that warns you of the regeneration?

No estoy seguro de por qué sigues recibiendo el error.

¿Cómo instalaste un dispositivo que te avisa de la regeneración?
No estoy seguro de por qué sigues recibiendo el error.

¿Cómo instalaste un dispositivo que te avisa de la regeneración?

No estoy seguro de por qué sigue recibiendo el error.

¿Cómo instalas un dispositivo que te avisa de la regeneración
instalado este dispositivo

@totitxu, Esto es lo que me dijo mi concesionario cuando apareció la advertencia de sobrellenado después de un cambio de aceite y filtro de servicio que no recalibró la advertencia de sobrellenado del tablero.

Para recalibrar el sensor de sobrellenado, el soporte técnico de VW le indicó a mi equipo de servicio de VW que drenara el aceite por completo y encendiera el encendido durante media hora, con el capó abierto. Vuelva a llenar el sumidero hasta un nivel hasta la mitad del área rayada de la varilla medidora. Parece haber funcionado hasta ahora.

Si desea estar seguro de que el aceite y el filtro no están contaminados/diluidos con combustible diésel, le sugiero que cambie ambos por nuevos.
min el próximo cambio de aceite que me toca enseguida les diré que prueben con esto.
muchas gracias
@totixu, Best regards and thanks for the information regarding the device you are using.

Anyone interested in making the same purchase could follow this link but it is from Poland, with high postage costs to the UK....

UK Seller Link:

(Approx £67.80 Total)

It looks on the surface like a decent device that gives the information that really should, in my personal opinion, be included in the vehicles in the first place.

Disclaimer: I may purchase one but will do a bit more research before using it. I am no authority in this field! Make your own choice!

I recall reading somewhere that it is not advisable to leave devices plugged into the OBD port..... that may have related to Carista and the bluetooth function being permanently active. Comments welcome.

Just as a side note.... When I was discussing this with the Master Technician at the dealership i use, he told me that VW are now, after a lot of requests in general, including DPF Regeneration notification in the new Amarok....
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@totixu, Saludos cordiales y gracias por la información sobre el dispositivo que estás utilizando.

Cualquier persona interesada en realizar la misma compra puede seguir este enlace:


El producto tiene un precio aproximado de £43,00 GBP + IVA (precio convertido a GBP) y supongo que el impuesto de importación.

A primera vista, parece un dispositivo decente que brinda la información que, en mi opinión personal, realmente debería incluirse en los vehículos en primer lugar.

Puedo comprar uno, pero investiga un poco más antes de usarlo. ¡No soy ninguna autoridad en este campo! Recuerdo haber leído en alguna parte que no es recomendable dejar dispositivos conectados al puerto OBD..... eso puede tener que ver con Carista y que la función bluetooth esté permanentemente activada. Comentarios bienvenidos.

Solo como nota al margen... Cuando estaba discutiendo esto con el técnico principal en el concesionario que uso, me dijo que VW ahora, después de muchas solicitudes en general, incluye la notificación de regeneración de DPF en el nuevo Amarok. ..

@totixu, Saludos cordiales y gracias por la información sobre el dispositivo que estás utilizando.

Cualquier persona interesada en realizar la misma compra puede seguir este enlace:


El producto tiene un precio aproximado de £43,00 GBP + IVA (precio convertido a GBP) y supongo que el impuesto de importación.

A primera vista, parece un dispositivo decente que brinda la información que, en mi opinión personal, realmente debería incluirse en los vehículos en primer lugar.

Puedo comprar uno, pero investigo un poco más antes de usarlo. ¡No soy ninguna autoridad en este campo! Recuerdo haber leído en alguna parte que no es recomendable dejar dispositivos conectados al puerto OBD..... eso puede tener que ver con Carista y que la función bluetooth esté permanentemente activa. Comentarios bienvenidos.

Solo como nota al margen... Cuando estaba discutiendo esto con el técnico principal en el concesionario que uso, me dijo que VW ahora, después de muchas solicitudes en general, incluye la notificación de regeneración de DPF en el nuevo Amarok. ..
mi OBD no va conectado a bluetooth de llevar casi un año con el y no he tenido ningún problema, espero que os valga.
Yo lo tengo puesto en la zona de volante( es el puntito rojo que se ve) pero se puede poner en cualquier sitio. Me lo pusieron hay porque era un lugar en el cual estaba disimulado.


@totixu, wrote…

My OBD is not connected to bluetooth for almost a year with it and I haven't had any problems, I hope it's worth it.

I have it in the steering wheel area (it's the red dot you can see) but you can put it anywhere. They put it there because it was a place in which it was disguised.


With grateful thanks for your replies and the information you have shared.
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I've been having this issue since purchasing my T6.1. I drive very short distances during the week and only do longer stretches probably a couple of times a month, and so it was frustrating to find out about this.

Anyway, since my service in Feb I began ensuring that I never switched off my engine during a regen.
Regardless.. I still saw my oil levels increase from under half way up the dipstick to over the top in the space of just 2 months. So it appears that solution doesn't prevent the issue.

I took it into my local VAG specialist just to make sure there was no other factors at play. And to also get the software update and yet another oil change for good measure.

They were kind enough to print out the official VW notice on this issue which I though might be useful to others. It's a bit of a pi$$ take. Looks like I'll have to live with quarterly oil changes. VW Fault.jpg
Is it just these vans that have this problem or is it all VW diesels?, if it’s not all diesals then surely it’s a fault with this particular engine which in turn must be a warranty problem?¯\_(ツ)_/¯ madness
They won’t warranty it because it can’t be fixed, it’s a design flaw. The cost of recalling or developing and rolling out a solution must be too must to concede.
Looking at the workshop notice they’ve instead decided to blame drivers “exceptional driving profiles”.

Let’s face it, this won’t be the first or last example of manufacturers turning a blind eye to common faults. And since these units are end-of-life VW will keep marching forwards and hope that Ford have done a better job for them on the T7.
Have a Search with ‘dilution’. Plenty of content on the Forum.
If your oil level is rising without anybody adding oil there are two possibilities:
1. Coolant contamination - emulsified oil, obvious.
2. Fuel dilution - not obvious at all and with a 2% diesel contamination limit before accelerated engine wear is taking place you have to take action immediately.

1. Change the oil - syphoning oil off to reduce the level does not reduce the percentage of diesel in the oil.
2. Autotrader.

So discussing it with the dealer, senior VW mechanic, God or your mate down the pub won’t change matters.
Realice una búsqueda con 'dilución'. Mucho contenido en el foro.
Si su nivel de aceite aumenta sin que nadie agregue aceite, hay dos posibilidades:
1. Contaminación del refrigerante: aceite emulsionado, obvio.
2. Dilución del combustible: no es nada evidente y con un límite de contaminación del diésel del 2 % antes de que se produzca un desgaste acelerado del motor, hay que tomar medidas de inmediato.

1. Cambie el aceite: extraer el aceite con sifón para reducir el nivel no reduce el porcentaje de diésel en el aceite.
2. Autocomerciante.

Así que discutirlo con el concesionario, el mecánico senior de VW, Dios o tu compañero del pub no cambiará las cosas.
Yo tampoco me paso ninguna regeneracion ahora y sigue saliendo el fallo, pero si tengo que decir que miro el nivel de aceite y está correcto, meto la varilla y el fallo desaparece hasta la siguiente regeneración. Me he acostumbrado, miro el nivel de aceite cada cierto tiempo por si acaso pero de momento el nivel de aceite está al mismo nivel que cuando me realizó cambio de aceite.
En el próximo cambio les voy a decir que me hagan lo que un usuario ponía por aquí, de vaciar aceite y dejar media hora el motor encendido con el capó abierto, haber si así desaparece.
@totixu, Best regards and thanks for the information regarding the device you are using.

Anyone interested in making the same purchase could follow this link but it is from Poland, with high postage costs to the UK....

UK Seller Link:

(Approx £67.80 Total)

It looks on the surface like a decent device that gives the information that really should, in my personal opinion, be included in the vehicles in the first place.

Disclaimer: I may purchase one but will do a bit more research before using it. I am no authority in this field! Make your own choice!

I recall reading somewhere that it is not advisable to leave devices plugged into the OBD port..... that may have related to Carista and the bluetooth function being permanently active. Comments welcome.

Just as a side note.... When I was discussing this with the Master Technician at the dealership i use, he told me that VW are now, after a lot of requests in general, including DPF Regeneration notification in the new Amarok....
Has anyone used one of these and if so, does it work ok plugged in all the time?
@Graham Jones, As written in my post above I did purchase one of these and have been using it. It is connected permanently without any issues at all. I managed to thread the small red LED up from below and it protrudes in the centre of the clocks housing, (Hillside T6.1) just above the button to zero the trip.... easy to do!

So far since fitting it I have had three occasions where it has illuminated to signify a regeneration taking place. The signal is approx four audible beeps and the LED lights up. In my case it has taken between 8 - 11 miles running to complete the regeneration. Upon completion, the unit emits a further few beeps and the LED goes off. Two of the three regenerations actually started just as I was arriving home... so I did a bit of a detour to let it complete. The regeneration in my case seems to take place after about 200 miles of general use. This will obviously differ for everyone... I am keeping a log.

I have not used any of the button press additions that are available, such as soot level... just plugged it in and let it get on with the job.

I have been really pleased to have it notify me of the regeneration. It has helped to put my mind at rest to some degree. I still check the oil regularly to keep an eye on things.
@Graham Jones, Como está escrito en mi publicación anterior, compré uno de estos y lo he estado usando. Está conectado permanentemente sin ningún problema. Logré colocar el pequeño LED rojo desde abajo y sobresale en el centro de la carcasa del reloj (Hillside T6.1), justo encima del botón para poner a cero el viaje... ¡fácil de hacer!

Hasta ahora desde que lo instalé, he tenido tres ocasiones en las que se ha iluminado para indicar que se está produciendo una regeneración. La señal es de aproximadamente cuatro pitidos audibles y el LED se enciende. En mi caso, me llevó entre 8 y 11 millas correr para completar la regeneración. Al finalizar, la unidad emite algunos pitidos más y el LED se apaga. Dos de las tres regeneraciones comenzaron justo cuando llegaba a casa... así que me desvié un poco para dejar que se completara. La regeneración en mi caso parece tener lugar después de unos 200 kilómetros de uso general. Obviamente, esto será diferente para cada uno... Estoy llevando un registro.

No he usado ninguna de las adiciones disponibles para presionar botones, como el nivel de hollín... simplemente lo conecté y dejé que siguiera con su trabajo.

Me ha encantado mucho que me avise de la regeneración. Me ha ayudado a tranquilizarme hasta cierto punto. Todavía reviso el aceite con regularidad para estar al tanto de todo.
ME alegro que te sirva, yo estoy muy contento con el,como has dicho te avisa al inicio y al final de la regeneracion y tengo que decir que el nivel de aceite se mantiene al mismo nivel que cuando me cambiaron el aceite. Y no me ha dado ningún problema de ningún tipo.