Yes momentary switchThank you
So to be sure they should be momentary on and not cycle through on off like switch. Right ?
Yes momentary switchThank you
So to be sure they should be momentary on and not cycle through on off like switch. Right ?
Thank youYes momentary switch
Was probably a bit messy worded.I Connector skal feltene A2 til A5 være tomme. For din orientering: Pinne 1 og 25 er røde, pinne 13 i den andre enden er brun og pinne 38 er ikke koblet til.
bare hent loddebolt og fjern forsiktig litt av isolasjonen fra pinne 6, dvs. KL15 12v, få et tvunnet par ledninger og kjør dem begge til bryteren i dashbordet. par ledninger en med den nye pinnen du klikker inn i T4 og en loddet til pinne 6 12v hvis du har OEM delenummer dash-bryter så vil den ha 4 pinner, en er jord en er 12V for lys jeg aldri bryr meg med, den andre 2 koble til når du trykker ned knappen du vil ha de 2 det spiller ingen rolle hvilken vei du kobler de 2 sammen, da det bare oppretter en tilkobling til aplly 12v for å deaktivere esp
As I read from earlier in this thread, I can use pin4 from start-stop button to pin4 TC button instead of pulling cable to pin6 ABS connector.Was probably a bit messy worded.
On the connector for ABS: pin4 and pin 6 to be connected.
Where should this be connected to the TC button?
And can I take 12v from another place than from pin 6 on ABS? For example from the start-stop button?
Only -ve brown and +ve grey/blue for the switch illumination if required.As I read from earlier in this thread, I can use pin4 from start-stop button to pin4 TC button instead of pulling cable to pin6 ABS connector.
So then I conclude that I connect pin4 from ABS connector to pin5 TC switch. Pin4 TC switch to pin4 start-stop switch. Is there more that needs to be connected in the TC switch?
Does anyone have a flow diagram for the start / stop button?Only -ve brown and +ve grey/blue for the switch illumination if required.
On this diagram pin 4 abs to pin 5 TC button
My first retrofitted traction control switch deactivates ASR only
View attachment 64067
to actually work as a ESC deactivation switch
View attachment 64069
More details to follow soon![]()
Any news here Robert?![]()
Have connected according to this self-made drawing. Everything works except for the light in the button when it is activated. Is there anyone who can give a tip on how I can make the button light up?View attachment 141459
Can this be right?
Traction Control Switch has only illumination light inside. According to ERWIN wiring diagram there is no indication light.Have connected according to this self-made drawing. Everything works except for the light in the button when it is activated. Is there anyone who can give a tip on how I can make the button light up?