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A £30 fine for parking in a parent and child bay at Tesco :rolleyes:

Having a child is a lifestyle choice, just like driving a nice vehicle that you don’t want dinged by bellends in the normal spaces. Parents shouldn’t be given special treatment and I shouldn’t be penalised for choosing not to have any but there you are - life is not fair.

I‘ve done it for years so can’t grumble really. I would never park in a disabled bay however (even though they are abused too).
Parents shouldn’t be given special treatment
Making parents with young children and/or babies park in standard-sized spaces would be utterly counter-productive - think of all the dings that would be inflicted on anyone parked next to them! :eek:

If only they would also segregate those who can't park properly and those that have beat-up vehicles & don't give a shit.
A £30 fine for parking in a parent and child bay at Tesco :rolleyes:

Having a child is a lifestyle choice, just like driving a nice vehicle that you don’t want dinged by bellends in the normal spaces. Parents shouldn’t be given special treatment and I shouldn’t be penalised for choosing not to have any but there you are - life is not fair.

I‘ve done it for years so can’t grumble really. I would never park in a disabled bay however (even though they are abused too).
Who polices that? Was there a warden who watched no kids get out and ticket you?
Not that I park in them, but I’ve never seen anyone be ticketed for doing it.
A £30 fine for parking in a parent and child bay at Tesco :rolleyes:

Having a child is a lifestyle choice, just like driving a nice vehicle that you don’t want dinged by bellends in the normal spaces. Parents shouldn’t be given special treatment and I shouldn’t be penalised for choosing not to have any but there you are - life is not fair.

I‘ve done it for years so can’t grumble really. I would never park in a disabled bay however (even though they are abused too).
Where are the signs stating you’ll be fined? How close to where you parked? Size? Visibility? How many are there? What are the conditions of parking in a lazy parent spot? Go and look how many signs you pass as you drive from the entrance to that space, how big the warming of the penalty is and could you be reasonably expected to see it.
Ask for the evidence that you didn’t have a child.
If all they’ve got is cctv then what’s to stop you saying that your child remained in the vehicle. The conditions would have to state that to use that space you actually have to take your child from the car to the store.
Ask for their evidence first before you conjure up your story.
Who polices that? Was there a warden who watched no kids get out and ticket you?
Not that I park in them, but I’ve never seen anyone be ticketed for doing it.

A company called Horizon Parking and they ‘police’ parking in all of the Tesco stores apparently. They wander about in the car park. According to a website I found the Tesco employees are also given an app to grass up non-compliant parking by snapping a pic!

If only they made the parking spaces wider.


Yes, the same for most car parks that still use the space measurements for 1970s cars it seems :rolleyes:

I just park right down the back where its empty and walk - the exercise is good for you!

I used to do this but then you’d get some utter tool who is clearly either an arsehole and enjoys doing it, or stupid, park 2cm away from you in the adjacent space.

Parent and child parking is for the safety of children.

Nonsense - in fact there are typically more cars floating about around the front of the store where these spaces are located and I have seen parents not paying any attention to their child running around. They should be right at the back of the car park if safety is a consideration.

Where are the signs stating you’ll be fined? How close to where you parked? Size? Visibility? How many are there? What are the conditions of parking in a lazy parent spot? Go and look how many signs you pass as you drive from the entrance to that space, how big the warming of the penalty is and could you be reasonably expected to see it.
Ask for the evidence that you didn’t have a child.
If all they’ve got is cctv then what’s to stop you saying that your child remained in the vehicle. The conditions would have to state that to use that space you actually have to take your child from the car to the store.
Ask for their evidence first before you conjure up your story.

I spent an hour or so googling what to do when faced with a ‘parking charge notice’ like this (rather than a penalty charge notice) and I lost the will to live so just paid the £30.

When I logged on to the Horizon website and put in my details there were about 10 photos of my van and I was parked right in front of an enforcement sign :whistle:

Nobody to blame but me for parking there - if I was innocent then that would be different.

If you can’t keep your child safe walking across a car park should you really be a parent

Agreed - the hoops that the Dogs Trust want you to jump through to adopt a dog yet anyone can stick their peepee in a lady and become a parent makes me angry.
Yes horizon as fined me £30 in tescos admittedly my fault no spaces( mini tescos) so pulled up in drop off zone quickly used the cash point no more than 2mins came back bloke was taking pics of van reckon he was hid behind the trolleys!
Agreed, quite the opposite actually, in this day and age we should be rewarded for keeping the world's population down.
Except you, me & everyone else needs the next generation to provide public services and to pay taxes that will fund our pensions and our health & social care needs.
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