What Have You Bought Today?

Yes, thought someone was tailgating me as they were right in my mirror - they were miles behind lol

Still not decided :rolleyes:
I get that in my daughters new '19 plate Fiat 500, I'm convinced everyone is right on my ar$e, unnerving!
Dart charge PCN fine... :(

Completely forgot about it when I was driving back from my 500 mile road trip in 24hrs for suspension and roof rack.

Luckily it was my first offence in this car so they 'let me off' by just paying the £2.50 :rofl:
I bought an Anker Solix C800 Plus the other day - but it is arriving today. The problem is I did not 'discuss' this purchase before I made it.
The 'Purse Strings Holder' is not going to be impressed, but I hope to win her over with a little logic.
We have solar panels on the roof, and a battery. My logic is that when the new battery is not out and about in the van I can hook it up and increase home storage capacity.
how have you found the anker?
I was convinced to go for the Ecoflow but upon seening the anker solix c800 plus I’m leaning towards that unit as the torch features and light seem great.
Dart charge PCN fine... :(

Completely forgot about it when I was driving back from my 500 mile road trip in 24hrs for suspension and roof rack.

Luckily it was my first offence in this car so they 'let me off' by just paying the £2.50 :rofl:
get an account at least it takes the stress off having to worry about paying or forgetting to pay