Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

Cadnam Cricket Club, Forestry Hingerland carpark just up from Lyndhurst where I shall be eating six days old roast chicken in three day old bread.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, apparently and what a lovely view either way? :whistle:
Not normally an horsey type but there's a 73 plate foal in the field in front (paddock?) that looks to be made from fudge, pretty little thing!IMG20230617125046.jpg
We went there in a convertible and realised we couldn’t go through.
Had to go on the bus and it was the best thing ever. Had a fab commentary and the bus stopped at the side of the road so you could watch the animals, whilst in a car you’re not allowed to stop.
I’d deffo do the bus next time.
We left Quesada today after a week off the road staying with friends and am now pitched near Tarragona, about 470 Km up the road and en route to South of France (or somewhere else, who knows?). Camping Torre de la Mora is a large site but very well spread out and we pitched right above the sea. We might not have direct access to the beach (it's not far away) but you can't knock the view from the chair having a cuppa (or glass of vino reddo later on). The ACSI price is €21 per night with EHU but it goes up to €44 without a camping card which, I think, was an £18 special offer at the last NEC show. We only booked in for one night but might add another on.DSC00746A.jpg
Went to a few places up the east coast of Yorkshire today, including Flamborough Head, Thornwick Bay and Skipsea. The highlight of the day was seeing a pod of dolphins off Skipsea beach - about 8 of them, including calves. It made our day. :D
Wow camping and ice cream. That’s on my list. Love the east coast. If you head up towards Bempton try the beach at North Landings. Watch the puffins fly in just over your head. One of our favourite places. We usually stay at Wold Farm.
A hot Belgian waffle, toffee ice cream, cream and caramel sauce - delish. :)
Campsite? Meh! :rolleyes: Will have to try out Wold Farm when we're over there next. :thumbsup:
A hot Belgian waffle, toffee ice cream, cream and caramel sauce - delish. :)
Campsite? Meh! :rolleyes: Will have to try out Wold Farm when we're over there next. :thumbsup:
Wold Farm is mega basic. I don’t think they’ve even opened the shower block since covid. But it has its own path to the cliffs at Bempton and views over to the lighthouse at Flamborough and it’s just peaceful.
Camping La Bien Assise 20 minutes away from Euro Tunnel. This is 19th and final campsite (all ACSI) ending 71 consecutive nights sleeping in the van touring Spain and France. It’s by far the longest trip we have ever done. We did not book a single campsite or use any tolls and we were largely guided by weather forecasts plus a few locations we definitely wanted to see. It’s been fantastic but also looking forward to having some home comforts :)
We left Quesada today after a week off the road staying with friends and am now pitched near Tarragona, about 470 Km up the road and en route to South of France (or somewhere else, who knows?). Camping Torre de la Mora is a large site but very well spread out and we pitched right above the sea. We might not have direct access to the beach (it's not far away) but you can't knock the view from the chair having a cuppa (or glass of vino reddo later on). The ACSI price is €21 per night with EHU but it goes up to €44 without a camping card which, I think, was an £18 special offer at the last NEC show. We only booked in for one night but might add another on.
We're leaving Torre de la Mora tomorrow but before we do, I thought I would fly the drone for a couple of pics as there's many of our fellow campers around (we're at the yellow arrow - a VW is not quite so obvious in the second picture!).. As can be seen, we've sea views front and back: