A little wave makes you feel good.

When I had my T25, everyone waved. I put it down to the vans are all around 30 years old so any on the road are likely to be owned by enthusiasts. Now I have a T6 I guess most are company owned with drivers who aren't bothered. Give it another 30 years and all T6 driver's Will be waving.
When we had our T2 everything waved at us, strangely in France Porsche 911 drivers made a big thing of it. Since we've had the T6 the only wave I've had was from @DaveBos
Id put a forum sticker in if they made pink or purple ones - ocd is a right b!tch

I think id get less waves if I had a logo on my bonnet tbh
Hi all, I've recently come the the Transporter T6 world after 14 years with a 110 Defender, one of the things i miss is the Landy Wave :thumbsup: whenever you passed another Defender there was always a wave. I cant help myself giving a wave or thumbs up when another cherished Transporter passes but you dont often get a wave back, so am i alone or do you give a nod to another Dub when you see one?

I've still got my Defender, I enjoy the waving (I think we do it out of sympathy). Miss it when I'm in the T6 but I'd be waving all the time if I waved at every T6 round here. Think you have to work out whether it is just a work van or someone's pride & joy in which case you get a wave back!
I've still got my Defender, I enjoy the waving (I think we do it out of sympathy). Miss it when I'm in the T6 but I'd be waving all the time if I waved at every T6 round here. Think you have to work out whether it is just a work van or someone's pride & joy in which case you get a wave back!
Ditto but I’m struggling to justify keeping it due to lack of use - know I’d regret it the moment I sell it though.
Mines a work van and if people can see the logo then they stare but sometimes hesitate until I give them the wave when they all of a sudden spring into life. If like you can tell they are itching to do it but dont want to look a prat ha
Ditto but I’m struggling to justify keeping it due to lack of use - know I’d regret it the moment I sell it though.
When I'm in the right mood I love the landy. Or got a heavy trailer to pull or somewhere very off road to get to.
Ah good to hear there are other wavers :thumbsup:

Ok at the risk of being shot ill put a pic of my landy up although to be fair i do think I've moved from one iconic motor to another so i hope it wont offend ;)

I’m a biker and we nod as we pass on the road. I used to have a motor home and MH drivers wave to each other as they pass, so I’d there a camper van nod I should be doing?

I know it’s difficult to spot which Transporter vans are actually camper conversions and not really well cared for work vans.

If there’s nothing then I propose we all do the Rock On hand To each other. If the emoji doesn’t show its the “rock on” version of the “sign of the horns” :)

I have recently bought and converted a 2016 T6. My last van was a 2005 T5. When I was driving around I used to give and receive loads of waves from fellow Dubbers. Since owning my T6 I've been waving at other vans but it's not being reciprocated. Has anyone else had similar experiences? Or am I being paranoid?
I have recently bought and converted a 2016 T6. My last van was a 2005 T5. When I was driving around I used to give and receive loads of waves from fellow Dubbers. Since owning my T6 I've been waving at other vans but it's not being reciprocated. Has anyone else had similar experiences? Or am I being paranoid?
Nope you aren’t alone. No-one waves at me either so I have stopped! Lol
Agree, there does seem to be a bit of inverse snobbery amongst Dubbers against T6s but I still keep trying. I get the same with my Landy - lots of the purists don’t like the newer ones. Either way, keep trying and don’t stop waving!!