All with a pinch of salt.
The first pic… EVs are still relatively new. Battery replacement is obviously an even newer part of ownership as they last a few years. There are competent people setting up businesses that take out a pack, remove and test the cells and only replace the dodgy ones before rebalancing. That costs a fraction of the price of a total replacement at a main dealer. Just as VW will charge you not far south of £2k for a cam belt and water pump but some Indy might even be around £700.
Once repair shops are up and running for the new tech and the customer base is larger costs will come down.
The second one I covered earlier… we know smoking causes cancer yet a death certificate won’t say ‘smoking’ as a cause of death it will say cancer.
Asking a very specific question to get a targeted answer is easy. Determining if it was car fumes or factory fumes that caused a fatal asthma attack is less so as most deaths don’t get an autopsy so it will be recorded as asthma attack, or cancer, heart attack, stroke… all of which air quality impacts.
The last one, yeah they changed the colour over a few years. Amazing. Yet looking back at global records over many decades is possible and has been done and does indeed show a steadily rising temperature. People moan about grey summer days as the oil industry focus on confusing the matter of climate change and sowing arguments as a distraction. Basic school science tells us warmer air holds more water so is it really a shock our summers are getting greyer and wetter? We have far less snow in warmer winters - and these days they use blue for cold temps instead of green