What do the "post injection" 1-3 boxes mean and why do I only have a figure in "post injection 1"?
With the regen underway all 3 "Post injection"fields are populated. Why only during a regen so these boxes populate and why are they so wildly different to each other?
Post Injection is how the ECU raises exhaust gas temperatures to burn off soot. See page 60 of
It is normal for the values to only be populated during a regeneration. The ECU decides how much fuel to inject and when. The three values correspond to the post-injections referred to in the Self Study Programme I've attached above.
2 miles down the road after regen started and all looks normal? Why does the soot mass measured fall so much faster than the soot mass calculated? What's the difference?
Five miles into the regen and the soot mass measured is negative.... how and why?
The ECU provides two mechanisms for measuring soot mass. The main value used by the application is Soot Mass Calculated. This is what the progress bar uses.
I don't have all of the information to fully explain the difference between the values (they're both available, and I display them accordingly). What I do know is that Soot Mass Measured does not take into account the Differential Pressure sensor. This means that when the Differential Pressure sensor fails, Soot Mass Measured is now the only true source of soot mass. As soot mass reaches field thresholds (the point at which your vehicle will attempt a regeneration), both values (calculated/measured) will become close to one another. It's unknown as to why the VAG engineers have negative values in the early stages of soot filling.
Your primary focus should be on Soot Mass Calculated.
On completion of regen I am left with a calculated soot mass of just under 9mg. Is that normal? Why isn't it nearly zero? Why is the soot mass measured a negative figure of -8.49mg?
This is normal. It is impossible to burn off all soot. As the condition of the DPF worsens and oil ash content increases, the end of the regeneration procedure will be at higher levels of soot. Unfortunately, this does mean that regenerations become more frequent as the vehicle ages.
Additionally, as the amount of soot decreases, more fuel is required to be injected to continue burning. The ECU is programmed to stop the regeneration process at a suitable time that balances efficiency. Yes, the next regeneration will occur sooner, but that is countered by using less fuel at the end of the cycle.
Also how's the CarPlay element progressing?
Reasonably well. Few hurdles that are being jumped, and I'm still trying to decide on how/what data will be displayed. Apple force you to use predefined templates which somewhat limits creative freedom...
A preview of a current draft: