[Guide] High Beam Assist Retrofit - How I Eventually Fettled It :-)

Me too @ChrisR. It's looking like I'll be forced to stay at home for a few weeks within the coming days so I might have a go at sorting this out if so. I think it will just be a case of running a couple of cables and coding which is all in this thread.
Me too @ChrisR. It's looking like I'll be forced to stay at home for a few weeks within the coming days so I might have a go at sorting this out if so. I think it will just be a case of running a couple of cables and coding which is all in this thread.
I might be wrong, it's a while since I looked at this properly, but I thought the HBA compatible mirrors wer different to the ones that do auto wipers/lights only?
I might be wrong, it's a while since I looked at this properly, but I thought the HBA compatible mirrors wer different to the ones that do auto wipers/lights only?
Yes they are, Luckily I got mine off German eBay a few weeks ago, I'm waiting for Easter to fit this and the LED headlights...
Ahh bugger, I've only scan read it with a view to properly looking through it when I'm ready to have a go at it. Another item to add to the list then...
For the hardware install (points 6&7) have I understood correctly that the existing green and black wire in pin 3 (pictured) becomes redundant and is cut out to make way way for the can high wire back to the BCM. (Rather than splicing into it?)

View attachment 60370

Does anyone know what pin I need put into plug 8? None of the ones I have seem to fit...
I must be the only bloke who dis-likes the HBA, I’ve looked at disabling mine via VCDS but no joy....yet!

Can you not just go into can gateway & tell it there is no address 20 installed?

1. Go into Can Gateway (19) – Installation list & enable address 20 High Beam Assist & save
2. Go into BCM/Cent electronics (09), go into adaptations & go down to Ch53, change from 0 to 1
3. Go into BCM/Cent electronics (09), go into adaptations & go down to Ch54, make sure this is set to 1, save & exit
4. Go into High Beam Assist (20) - Coding, long coding helper - byte 0 - Change to 01 for HALOGENS, 04 for LED, do the same with byte 1 & also check steering side – Right or Left, Save & exit
They look the fellas. I would post you some but my misses is currently on chemo so we are in a 12 week minimum lockdown, advised not even leave the house for exercise with her being high risk :-(
No problem, I’ve now ordered some I just wanted to confirm because they looked different to the pins already in there. Wishing you and your partner well, my dad is currently in the same situation and is about to start his radiotherapy. Stay safe
with this mirror ref 7E0857511C would it be valid
thank you
It looks like an early style one @gerry so yes, but you would need to see pictures to confirm it is the camera style

Only pics I can find are on am FZN-Parts site
I have tried coding in my HBA mirror today but it's not working, I do however have this fault code, any ideas? Thanks

I installed a mirror with HBA on my VW T6 Kombi from 2018 and a rain and light sensor After coding, it displays communication errors in the gatway controller, error code 03395 only from the high beam assistant and of course the assistant does not work, in controller 20 there are also 3 data bus errors Will you help?