What Have You Bought Today?

Where is this thread going, as for the last 13 replies are all way off topic?

I blame Mr @JOG
It is hard difficult to shoulder the burden of blame as I try to rescue @moomin-j from the spiral of filth and debauchery triggered by a simple autocorrect of “bap” to “nap”! Given the free-association that went on in his mind at those two words, the reader will appreciate why I substituted “hard”!!!
Full width bonnet protector from RGM Mouldings to replace my perspex one
Thought the idea of the perspex one was to protect the front of the bonnet but also the rest by deflecting and stones up an over the top of the van. Like the look of the RGM but wouldn't this just protect the front edge ?
waiting delivery, hopefully not too long. I had the perspex one a while ago and tbh never really took to it, always looked a bit wrong but I get it will probably do a better job of protection than the RGM one. Usual story style over function!
@Pedro20001. I know what you mean! That said, I've used the RGM rear bumper protectors on 4 or 5 cars now and always found them to be very good indeed (inc. my T6). What puts me off the bonnet protector is that it's stuck down as I would much rather be able to clean underneath it on the rare occasions that I get around to washing the van!