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Just took out my second..all in one service plan …. But got to have the dash removed to fix/replace the aircon control box .., it’s covered ….. thank the warranty gods at Liverpool :)
Mines coming to an end this month, did you just go on line and take out a new one?
No .. had to ring my van centre … tried to do on line .., got so far ..then it said contact your local dealer
Hope that helps :)
Did they let it run straight on from the last warranty or was it re-checked? When I signed up the dealer said I had to let the orgional manufacturer warranty lapse and then get checked and then sign up for the all in. My all in policy finishes in Autumn and i'm a bit worried they'll let it lapse then find a load of issues before I renew, but perhaps i'm being to cynical
Did they let it run straight on from the last warranty or was it re-checked? When I signed up the dealer said I had to let the orgional manufacturer warranty lapse and then get checked and then sign up for the all in. My all in policy finishes in Autumn and i'm a bit worried they'll let it lapse then find a load of issues before I renew, but perhaps i'm being to cynical
I new the day it expired .. then rang V W financial services they cleared the account and allowed 24 hrs for systems to reset .. then next day rang dealership ..,so only one day gap … got this reply

Warranty 30-day no-claim period

Our records show that it has been 30 days or less since your vehicle had warranty cover. Therefore, a no-claim period is not applicable to your policy. This means you will be able to make a claim on your warranty at any time during the period of cover, as stated above. For full details, please refer to your attached terms and conditions.
i had this reply. . .

"Warranty 30-day no-claim period
Our records show that it has been 30 days or less since your vehicle had warranty cover. Therefore, a no-claim period is not applicable to your policy. This means you will be able to make a claim on your warranty at any time during the period of cover, as stated above. For full details, please refer to your attached terms and conditions."

BUT my ALL-IN started the next day after factory warranty expired - i think its a default reply.

i had work done the following week - all god no issues:

Peace of mind back in check (back pocket £800 lighter tho)…new cam belt and water pump from SMG Tonbridge and a brake fluid change
Thanks for the reminder - must get mine booked in (although not 4 years old until 22/06 so not overdue yet :whistle:)