What Have You Bought Today?

Bit of both... ;) those leaves were never going to just stay there...
I hoped the tech would have moved along by now. I know when I had solar fitted at home shade was an issue
The tech has on house size panels, less so on road/marine panels.

The issue is that any array of panels will be influenced by the worst area of the panel, it will drag the rest of the array down, because they are all electrically connected.

For houses you can avoid this if you have shade by going for micro inverters - then each panel is independent and if one is shaded it doesn't drag down the others.

The other way is to have a controller that is smarter about MPPT. The problem is MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) which tries to vary the current/voltage to give the highest power output for the conditions - once it finds the peak it tracks it - hence the name. But if part of the array gets shaded many MPPT controllers will just blindly follow that peak as the power dives. Some can be enabled to search for a new peak every few minutes - in ideal conditions this loses a bit of power as it does the search but in the real world it can often find a better peak to track. I've got this in the house array, but not sure I've ever seen one in portable system.

But yes, intuitively you'd expect to lose an amount of power equal to the amount of shade but in reality you lose a substantial amount from the panel in shade and all the ones in the same circuit.
The big reveal.........The wheels have landed.
Wolfrace Munich GTR's 50th anniversary edition in urban chrome plus red accessory kit to complement the van.
Only downside is there's a centre cap missing, so tyre fitting put on hold for now. :rolleyes:
Gold trim is as they come as standard.




Shamelessly copied @Fish and @Deaky with a - Kiravans Railsail



+ + + + + + + + +

this was the layout:



just need to wait for the S+S carbon poles to be availible.

in the meantime ill roll with standard king poles.

hopefully ill have it for summer camp 23.

thanks guys..

:mexican wave:

Expensive ad blue whilst away in Slovakia. At Christmas it was 20Euro for 10l in Tesco, easily found in 10l containers. Now only 5l containers and 15Euro each. I knew I would need it and would have packed it with me if I had known, as well when .5l of Budvar is on offer for .69cents and Kozel is .35cents that equates to a lot of extra free beer I missing out on. :pIMG_6557.jpeg

One of these for the van, and another one for indoors, as I’ve heard they are excellent if you have a chimney/wood burner fire...
View attachment 205649 a little expensive compared to the usual small extinguishers but they have a 10-15 year shelf life.
Not as expensive as a burnt out van or trying to clean up after using a powder extinguisher. One of the reasons I chose a Wallas XC Duo over gas.